An approach to diagnose local and collaborative supply chain processes

An approach to diagnose local and collaborative supply chain processes

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Article ID: iaor200944737
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 5
Issue: 34
Start Page Number: 375
End Page Number: 395
Publication Date: Jan 2009
Journal: International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
Authors: , ,
Keywords: information, knowledge management

It is often really difficult to capture and exploit knowledge about a given supply chain, covering all types of flows and business processes. Supply chain managers have frequently to make diagnosis and need realistic representations of their supply chain. We work on a methodology that tries to help them in this way. First, a framework is designed to capture information on multiple dimensions of supply chain, from structural to operational aspects. Then, a data analysis approach is detailed and put into practice to explain the differences between current and ideal entities, so that progress actions can be identified.


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