Keyword: information

Found 1004 papers in total
The Comovement of Investor Attention
Prior literature has documented that investor attention and constraints on that...
The Interplay Between Forward-Looking Measures and Target Setting
We examine whether financial targets are based on both forward‐looking and...
The Interplay between Information Acquisition and Quality Disclosure
This study investigates the interactions between a manufacturer's information...
Impact of Retailers with Knowledge of Supplier's Inventory on Supply Chain Performance
We model a supply chain consisting of a supplier and multiple retailers facing...
Make Them Feel: How the Disclosure of Pregnancy to a Supervisor Leads to Changes in Perceived Supervisor Support
Personal disclosure at work can help facilitate high‐quality relationships;...
Cognition, Technology, and Organizational Limits: Lessons from the Air France 447 Disaster
Organizations, particularly those for whom safety and reliability are crucial, develop...
JPEG-like method of control parametrization for numerical solution of the distributed optimization problems
The present author continued his work on the study of the control parametrization...
A model of best choice under incomplete information
This paper suggests two approaches to the construction of a two‐player game of...
Information sharing for competing supply chains with demand disruption
We investigate pricing decisions and information value in two competing supply chains,...
Robust open-loop Nash equilibria in the noncooperative LQ game revisited
This paper reconsiders existence of worst‐case Nash equilibria in...
Game-theoretic models of an oligopoly market with nonlinear agent cost functions
We construct oligopoly models for nonlinear cost functions of agents under reflexive...
On a game with perfect information and time-claiming alternatives
This paper considers a new model of multistage games with perfect information in which...
Evaluating the impact of smart technologies on harbor’s logistics via BPMN modeling and simulation
A smart Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enables a synchronized...
The Value of Information in Decision-Analytic Modeling for Malaria Vector Control in East Africa
Decision analysis tools and mathematical modeling are increasingly emphasized in...
Are People Interested in Probabilities of Natural Disasters?
Previous research has demonstrated that in naturalistic risky decisions people tend to...
Information Sharing in Competing Supply Chains with Production Cost Reduction
We consider the problem of sharing demand information in two competing supply chains,...
Equivalent Inventory Metrics: A Behavioral Perspective
We analyze how performance metrics that contain equivalent information affect actual...
Catching Falling Knives: Speculating on Liquidity Shocks
Many market participants invest resources to acquire information about liquidity...
Network Analysis of Search Dynamics: The Case of Stock Habitats
There is an increasing attention in information systems to be able to predict outcomes...
Dynamic Continuum Model with Elastic Demand for a Polycentric Urban City
This paper presents the development of a macroscopic dynamic traffic assignment model...
New upper bound on m-time-relaxed k-broadcast graphs
Broadcasting is a process in which an individual has an item of information which...
Improving Shift-Reduce Phrase-Structure Parsing with Constituent Boundary Information
Shift‐reduce parsing enjoys the property of efficiency because of the use of...
Correction for Closeness: Adjusting Normalized Mutual Information Measure for Clustering Comparison
Normalized mutual information (NMI) is a widely used measure to compare community...
Word Sense Induction with Closed Frequent Termsets
The article is devoted to the problem of word sense induction. We propose a method for...
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