Finding minimum and equitable risk routes for hazmat shipments

Finding minimum and equitable risk routes for hazmat shipments

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Article ID: iaor20082690
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 34
Issue: 5
Start Page Number: 1304
End Page Number: 1327
Publication Date: May 2007
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: , ,
Keywords: risk, networks: path

This paper deals with the generation of minimal risk paths for the road transportation of hazardous materials between an origin–destination pair of a given regional area. The main considered issue is the selection of paths that minimize the total risk of hazmat shipments while spreading the risk induced on the population in an equitable way. The problem is mathematically formulated, and two heuristic algorithms are proposed for its solution. Substantially, these procedures are modified versions of Yen’s algorithm for the k-shortest path problem, which take into due consideration the risk propagation resulting from close paths and spread the risk equitably among zones of the geographical region in which the transportation network is embedded. Furthermore, a lower bound based on a Lagrangean relaxation of the given mathematical formulation is also provided. Finally, a series of computational tests, referring to a regional area, is reported.


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