Conjoint optimization: an exact branch-and-bound algorithm for the share-of-choice problem

Conjoint optimization: an exact branch-and-bound algorithm for the share-of-choice problem

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Article ID: iaor2008688
Country: United States
Volume: 52
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 435
End Page Number: 447
Publication Date: Mar 2006
Journal: Management Science
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: innovation, programming: branch and bound

Conjoint analysis is a statistical technique used to elicit partworth utilities for product attributes from consumers to aid in the evaluation of market potential for new products. The objective of the share-of-choice problem (a common approach to new product design) is to find the design that maximizes the number of respondents for whom the new product's utility exceeds a specific hurdle (reservation utility). We present an exact branch-and-bound algorithm to solve the share-of-choice problem. Our empirical results, based on several large commercial data sets and simulated data from a controlled experiment, suggest that the approach is useful for finding provably optimal solutions to realistically sized problems, including cases where partworths contain estimation error.


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