Solving the n-job 3-stage flexible flowshop scheduling problem using an agent-based approach

Solving the n-job 3-stage flexible flowshop scheduling problem using an agent-based approach

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Article ID: iaor20043590
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 42
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 777
End Page Number: 799
Publication Date: Jan 2004
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: flowshop, agent based system

In this paper, a general methodology of agent-based manufacturing systems scheduling, incorporating game theoretic analysis of agent cooperation is presented to solve the n-job 3-stage flexible flowshop scheduling problem. The flowshops are flexible in the sense that a job can be processed by any of the identical machines at each stage. Our objective is to schedule a set of n jobs so as to minimize the makespan. We perform error bound analysis using the lower bound estimates developed in the literature as a datum for comparing the agent-based scheduling solutions with other heuristic solutions. The results of the evaluation show that the agent-based scheduling approach outperforms existing heuristics for the majority of the testing problems.


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