Dual-based heuristics for a hierarchical covering location problem

Dual-based heuristics for a hierarchical covering location problem

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Article ID: iaor20031343
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 30
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 165
End Page Number: 180
Publication Date: Feb 2003
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: , ,
Keywords: heuristics

A 2-level hierarchical extension of the maximal covering location problem is considered and an effective method for its solution developed. A combined Lagrangean–surrogate (L–S) relaxation is defined which reduces to a 0–1 knapsack problem. Tests were carried out using a subgradient-based heuristic incorporating the L–S relaxation, with the resulting knapsack problems being solved both with and without the integrality constraints relaxed. Results were obtained for test problems available in the literature ranging from 55-node to 700-node networks. These were compared, where possible, with exact results obtained using CPLEX. It was found that computing times were reasonable.


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