Espejo Luis Gonzalo Acosta

Luis Gonzalo Acosta Espejo

Information about the author Luis Gonzalo Acosta Espejo will soon be added to the site.
Found 6 papers in total
Solving the problem of location of maximum availability using the hypercube model
The Maximum Availability Location Problem (MALP) seeks to locate m servers so that the...
Load balancing and capacity constraints in a hierarchical location model
Recent work on the location of perinatal facilities in the municipality of Rio de...
Practical aspects associated with location planning for maternal and perinatal assistance in Brazil
A study has been carried out aimed at reducing perinatal mortality in the municipality...
Dual-based heuristics for a hierarchical covering location problem
A 2-level hierarchical extension of the maximal covering location problem is...
A hierarchical model for the location of perinatal facilities in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro
We present a 3-level hierarchical model for the location of maternal and perinatal...
A comparison of Lagrangean and surrogate relaxations for the maximal covering location problem
We compare heuristics based on Lagrangean and surrogate relaxations of the Maximal...
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