Simultaneous vehicle and crew scheduling in urban mass transit systems

Simultaneous vehicle and crew scheduling in urban mass transit systems

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Article ID: iaor20023594
Country: United States
Volume: 35
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 286
End Page Number: 303
Publication Date: Aug 2001
Journal: Transportation Science
Authors: , ,
Keywords: urban affairs, transportation: general, personnel & manpower planning

This paper presents an exact approach for solving the simultaneous vehicle and crew scheduling problem in urban mass transit systems. We consider the single depot case with a homogeneous fleet of vehicles. This approach relies on a set partitioning formulation for the driver scheduling problem that incorporates side constraints for the bus itineraries. The proposed solution approach consists of a column generation process (only for the crew schedules) integrated into a branch-and-bound scheme. The side constraints on buses guarantee that an optimal vehicle assignment can be derived afterwards in polynomial time. A computational study shows that this approach out-performs the previous methods found in the literature for a set of randomly generated instances. A heuristic version of the solution approach is also proposed and tested on larger instances.


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