Economic lot scheduling problem with imperfect production processes

Economic lot scheduling problem with imperfect production processes

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Article ID: iaor20012153
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 51
Issue: 7
Start Page Number: 875
End Page Number: 881
Publication Date: Jul 2000
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Authors: ,
Keywords: scheduling, quality & reliability

In this paper, we model the effects of imperfect production processes on the economic lot scheduling problem (ELSP). It is assumed that the production facility starts in the in-control state producing items of high or perfect quality. However the facility may deteriorate with time and shifts at a random time to an out of control state and begins to produce nonconforming items. A mathematical model is developed for ELSP taking into account the effect of imperfect quality and process restoration. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate important issues related to the developed model.


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