Solving the minimum weighted integer coloring problem

Solving the minimum weighted integer coloring problem

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Article ID: iaor20003025
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 53
End Page Number: 64
Publication Date: Oct 1998
Journal: Computational Optimization and Applications
Keywords: computational analysis, programming: branch and bound, heuristics

In this paper, we present, as far as we are aware of, the first combinatorial algorithm specifically designed for the minimum weighted integer coloring problem (MWIP), We test the algorithm on randomly generated graphs with integer weights uniformly drawn from intervals [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 5], [1, 10], [1, 15], and [1, 20]. We also use the proposed algorithm to test the quality of a simple, yet effective heuristic for the MWIP in the literature. We have observed from our test that: i) the algorithm is able to solve MWIP on graphs of up to 20 vertices when the average vertex weights are not too large; ii) The relative gap between the simple heuristic solutions and the optimal solution seems to decrease as the average vertex weight increases. A rough comparison with the state-of-the-art methods for the minimum unweighted coloring problem seems to suggest the advantage of solving MWIP directly.


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