Models for performance evaluation of flexibility in manufacturing systems

Models for performance evaluation of flexibility in manufacturing systems

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Article ID: iaor199586
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 32
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 1383
End Page Number: 1402
Publication Date: Jun 1994
Journal: International Journal of Production Research
Keywords: performance

The paper investigates the relationship between flexibility and performance of manufacturing systems. In particular, the effect of varying flexibility in either part production requirements or the machines capabilities is examined. Conditions under which a positive correlation between flexibility and performance exists are identified and the characteristics of this correlation are described. System management and control mechanisms necessary for realizing the benefits of flexibility are outlined. The results are first illustrated through a series of models of specific manufacturing situations. A unifying and generic framework for flexibilty modelling and analysis is then introduced. The framework is used to re-interpret and generalize the result of the previous models. It is also used to argue for the existance of a number of fundamental relationships between flexibility and manufacturing performance.


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