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Keyword: risk
1845 papers
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Rewarding knowledge sharing under measurement inaccuracy
Ahn Jae-Hyeon
Knowledge sharing is a critical step for successful knowledge management. However,...
Risk-management and risk-analysis-based decision tools for attacks on electric power
Simonoff Jeffrey S.
Incident data about disruptions to the electric power grid provide useful information...
Preferences, utility and risk perception in engineering decision making
Maes Marc A.
The present paper focuses on the role and the modelling of preferences in risk based...
Less likely to fail: low performance, firm size, and factory expansion in the shipbuilding industry
Greve Henrich R.
The behavioral theory of the firm and prospect theory predict that performance below...
Risk measurement and management of defined benefit pension schemes: a stochastic approach
Haberman Steven
The traditional actuarial valuation for defined benefit pension schemes operates on...
Take (smoothed) risks when you are young, not when you are old: How to get the best from your pension plan
Blake David
Using stochastic modelling, we demonstrate that the best investment strategy for the...
Traveller behavior: decision-making in an unpredictable world
Bonsall Peter
This article discusses the nature and consequences of uncertainty in transport...
Entrepreneurial risk and market entry
Knott Anne Marie
This paper attempts to reconcile the risk-bearing characterization of entrepreneurs...
Equilibrium strategies in random-demand procurement auctions with sunk costs
Hinz Juri
We address an auction model which captures basic features of balancing markets for...
Risky choices and correlated background risk
Winkler Robert L.
The analysis of a risky project should take into account not only uncertainties about...
Your money or your life: A prescriptive model for health, safety, and consumption decisions
Keeney Ralph L.
In this paper we develop a conceptual framework and model for valuing risks to an...
Three new tests of independence that differentiate models of risky decision making
Birnbaum Michael H.
This paper tests new ‘independence’ properties to compare three models of...
Subjective probability assessment in decision analysis: Partition dependence and bias toward the ignorance prior
Clemen Robert T.
Decision and risk analysts have considerable discretion in designing procedures for...
Uncertainty aversion with second-order utilities and probabilities
Nau Robert F.
Subjective expected utility theory does not distinguish between attitudes toward...
Affect, empathy, and regressive mispredictions of others' preferences under risk
Faro David
Making effective decisions under risk often requires making accurate predictions of...
The effects of financial risks on inventory policy
Rosling Kaj
The effect of financial risks on (R, Q) inventory policies is analyzed in a real...
Determining the optimal constrained multi-item (Q, r) inventory policy by maximising risk-adjusted profit
Johnston Robert B.
The predominant approach to determining replenishment batch sizes for capital...
Investment decisions and time horizon: risk perception and risk behavior in repeated gambles
Weber Martin
To investigate the effect of time horizon on investment behavior, this paper reports...
The effects of imprecise probabilities and outcomes in evaluating investment options
Budescu David V.
Vagueness attitudes have been used to explain anomalies and irregularities in...
New elements in international maritime standards: developing a Safety Case Approach for the treatment of tanker incidents
Alexopoulos Aristotelis B.
In this paper we examine new methods for investigating and evaluating marine accidents...
Signed graphs for portfolio analysis in risk management
Harary Frank
We introduce the notion of structural balance for signed graphs in the context of...
Risk avoidance in bidding for software projects based on life cycle management theory
Lai K.K.
This study explores how to integrate software project management risk into bidding...
Risk allocation in the private provision of public infrastructure
Ng A.
Communities benefit most from the private provision of public infrastructure when...
A game theory approach for the allocation of risks in transport public private partnerships
Medda Francesca
The process of risk allocation between public and private sectors in transport...
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