Keyword: risk

Found 1845 papers in total
Risk Perception and the Public Acceptance of Drones
Unmanned aircraft, or drones, are a rapidly emerging sector of the aviation industry....
Introduction to the Special Series on Research Synthesis: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach
To estimate the effects of a policy change, analysts must often rely on available data...
Synthesizing Econometric Evidence: The Case of Demand Elasticity Estimates
Econometric estimates of the responsiveness of health‐related consumer demand...
The Per Case and Total Annual Costs of Foodborne Illness in the United States
We present an economic welfare‐based method to estimate the health costs...
Hypothesis-Based Weight of Evidence: An Approach to Assessing Causation and its Application to Regulatory Toxicology
Other papers in this symposium focus on combining direct observations or measurements...
Exposure to Mixtures of Metals and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes: A Multidisciplinary Review Using an Adverse Outcome Pathway Framework
Current risk assessment guidance calls for an individual...
Research Synthesis and the Value per Statistical Life
The value of small changes in mortality risk, conventionally expressed as the value...
Farm to Fork Quantitative Risk Assessment of Listeria monocytogenes Contamination in Raw and Pasteurized Milk Cheese in Ireland
The objective of this study was to model and quantify the level of Listeria...
Macroeconomics of Natural Disasters: Strengths and Weaknesses of Meta-Analysis Versus Review of Literature
We use the case of the macroeconomic impact of natural disasters to analyze strengths...
Concordance of Noncarcinogenic Endpoints in Rodent Chemical Bioassays
Prediction of noncancer toxicologic outcomes in rodent bioassays of 37 chemicals from...
The Thin Reed: Accommodating Weak Evidence for Critical Parameters in Cost-Benefit Analysis
Policy analysis often demands quantitative prediction–especially...
Meta-Analytic Approaches for Multistressor Dose-Response Function Development: Strengths, Limitations, and Case Studies
For many policy analyses, including but not limited to cumulative risk assessments, it...
Rethinking Meta-Analysis: Applications for Air Pollution Data and Beyond
Meta‐analyses offer a rigorous and transparent systematic framework for...
Cognitive and Motivational Biases in Decision and Risk Analysis
Behavioral decision research has demonstrated that judgments and decisions of ordinary...
The Inverse Relation Between Risks and Benefits: The Role of Affect and Expertise
Although risk and benefits of risky activities are positively correlated in the real...
Transparency in Europe: A Quantitative Study
In recent years, European pharmaceutical regulators have increasingly committed to...
Will the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Proposed Standards for Occupational Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica Reduce Workplace Risk?
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is developing regulations to...
Norovirus Dose‐Response: Are Currently Available Data Informative Enough to Determine How Susceptible Humans Are to Infection from a Single Virus?
Two forms of single‐hit infection dose‐response models have previously...
Predicting Vaccination Intention and Benefit and Risk Perceptions: The Incorporation of Affect, Trust, and Television Influence in a Dual-Mode Model
Major health behavior change models tend to consider health decisions as primarily...
Risk-Based Decision Making for Reoccupation of Contaminated Areas Following a Wide-Area Anthrax Release
This article presents an analysis of postattack response strategies to mitigate the...
Dependence Assessment in Human Reliability Analysis Using Evidence Theory and AHP
Dependence assessment among human errors in human reliability analysis (HRA) is an...
At Home on the Range? Lay Interpretations of Numerical Uncertainty Ranges
Numerical uncertainty ranges are often used to convey the precision of a forecast. In...
Uncertainty Assessment in the Quantification of Risk Rates of Occupational Accidents
Occupational risk rates per hour of exposure have been quantified for 63 occupational...
Adolescents’ and Young Adults’ Online Risk Taking: The Role of Gist and Verbatim Representations
Young people are exposed to and engage in online risky activities, such as disclosing...
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