Keyword: stochastic processes

Found 1442 papers in total
Analysis of polling systems with mixed service disciplines
The paper considers a polling system with two classes of stations. One class consists...
Analysis of the symmetric shortest queue problem
In this paper the authors study a system consisting of two identical servers, each...
Probabilistic interpretations of some duality results for the matrix paradigms in queueing theory
Recently, Ramaswami obtained a duality theorem for the Markov renewal processes...
Batch arrivals to a tandem queue without an intermediate buffer
In this paper the authors study a system with two stations in tandem. There is an...
On the transient behavior of the M/M/m/m loss model
The paper develops an asymptotic technique for analyzing the transient behavior of...
Simulation of diffusion processes with PRESTO building systems like PRESTO with ADAGIO
PRESTO is an expert-system which performs the automatic generation of complete Fortran...
The queue inference engine: Deducing queue statistics from transactional data
The transactional data of a queueing system are the recorded times of service...
Models of discrete event dynamic systems
Many new techniques for modeling discrete event dynamic systems have been developed in...
Optimal reorganization policies for stationary and evolutionary databases
The problem of determining optimal reorganization policies for databases which employ...
Optimal replacement policy with stochastic maintenance and operation costs
An equipment replacement problem is considered in this paper. The state of a piece of...
Phasing out inventory for a continuously demanded commodity
Consider an initial population of size N subject to a pure death process. The...
Performance analysis of distributed database processing in bus local networks
As the number of local area network (LAN) installations rapidly increases, it is...
Spatial-temporal models for counting processes in ecology
Spatial and temporal counting of individuals is often necessary in ecological...
Queueing analysis for buffered persistent CSMA local networks
The authors develop a joint probability generating function for the message queue...
(m,T) group maintenance policies
A model that recognizes the advantages of coordinated group maintenance planning is...
Regular estimation of the intensity function of a point process. Nonparametric methods
The purpose of the present paper is to give an extensive survey of some nonparametric...
Estimating the edge of a Cox process area
Let the domain of a Cox point process be a subset of R 2 defined in polar coordinates...
Some remarks concerning statistical inference for marked point processes
Several stochastic models for non-stationary marked point processes are introduced by...
The predictability of discrete event systems
Perturbation analysis and the automaton and language model are two recently developed...
Validating the heavy traffic performance of regenerative simulation
Following a theoretical study by Asmussen indicating severe problems associated with a...
Mini-risk: Strategies for a simplified board game
Illustrations of the principles of operational research from sports have been widely...
Control of large discrete event systems: Constructive algorithms
An automata based theory has been developed recently by Wonham, Ramadge, and...
Phase type distributions-Tutorial
The probability distributions of Phase-Type generalise the family of Erlang...
Generalized dynamic programming for stochastic combinatorial optimization
In stochastic versions of combinatorial optimization problems, the objective is to...
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