Keyword: error analysis

Found 19 papers in total
Confidence Intervals in Regression That Utilize Uncertain Prior Information About a Vector Parameter
Consider a linear regression model with independent normally distributed errors....
Simple a posteriori error estimators in adaptive isogeometric analysis
In this article we propose two simple a posteriori error estimators for solving second...
A posteriori error control of hp-finite elements for variational inequalities of the first and second kind
In this paper, residual‐based a posteriori error estimates for variational...
Numerical approximations in optimal control of a class of heterogeneous systems
The paper presents a numerical procedure for solving a class of optimal control...
A higher-order moment method of the lattice Boltzmann model for the Korteweg‐de Vries equation
In this paper, a lattice Boltzmann model for the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV)...
When are Direct Multi-step and Iterative Forecasts Identical?
Although both direct multi‐step‐ahead forecasting and iterated...
Human Reliability Analysis in Spaceflight Applications, Part 2: Modified CREAM for Spaceflight
Human reliability analysis is a crucial for manned spaceflight success. Cognitive...
Optimal error estimates for finite element discretization of elliptic optimal control problems with finitely many pointwise state constraints
In this paper we consider a model elliptic optimal control problem with finitely many...
Error estimates for parabolic optimal control problems with control and state constraints
The numerical approximation to a parabolic control problem with control and state...
Of reality, quality and Murphy's law: strategies for eliminating human error and mitigating its effects
This paper reviews the strategies toward the verification/checking of the...
An approach to analyze effects of soft errors on program level
Computer hardware components are susceptible to soft errors which could result in...
A second‐order smooth penalty function algorithm for constrained optimization problems
This paper introduces a second‐order differentiability smoothing technique to...
Development and estimation of a semi‐compensatory model with a flexible error structure
In decisions involving many alternatives, such as residential choice, individuals...
Performance of Robust GCV and Modified GCV for Spline Smoothing
While it is a popular selection criterion for spline smoothing, generalized...
Boundary concentrated finite elements for optimal boundary control problems of elliptic PDEs
We investigate the discretization of optimal boundary control problems for elliptic...
Getting The ‘Correct’ Answer From Survey Responses: A Simple Application Of The Em Algorithm
This note addresses a problem that can arise in surveys, namely when some respondents...
Discretization of interior point methods for state constrained elliptic optimal control problems: optimal error estimates and parameter adjustment
An adjustment scheme for the relaxation parameter of interior point approaches to the...
Error analysis of approximate solutions to parametric vector quasiequilibrium problems
In this paper, we give some results on error estimates of approximate solutions to...
A posteriori error bounds in linear programming aggregation
A major topic in aggregation of linear programming problems is the estimation of the...
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