Keyword: performance evaluation

Found 32 papers in total
Forecasting levels of log variables in vector autoregressions
Sometimes forecasts of the original variable are of interest, even though a variable...
A class of nonlinear Lagrangians for nonconvex second order cone programming
This paper focuses on the study of a class of nonlinear Lagrangians for solving...
A globally and superlinearly convergent quasi‐Newton method for general box constrained variational inequalities without smoothing approximation
A new quasi‐Newton algorithm for the solution of general box constrained...
Using adaptive multi‐accurate function evaluations in a surrogate‐assisted method for computer experiments
In many computer experiments, surrogates are used to assist in searching for certain...
Comparison of a new expert elicitation model with the Classical Model, equal weights and single experts, using a cross‐validation technique
The problem of ranking and weighting experts' performances when quantitative judgments...
Supporting collaborative engineering using an intelligent web service middleware
Collaborative Engineering tasks are difficult to manage and involve a high amount of...
Catching a draft: on the process of selecting quarterbacks in the National Football League amateur draft
The reverse order college draft gives the worst teams in the National Football League...
Towards consistent performance management systems
Performance indicators (PIs) and performance measurement are popular topics in...
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