Keyword: communication

Found 444 papers in total
Empirical studies of geographically distributed agile development communication challenges: A systematic review
There is increasing interest in studying and applying geographically distributed agile...
Reading behavior on intra-organizational blogging systems: A group-level analysis through the lens of social capital theory
Aiming to explore the factors that potentially determine the continued reading...
The effect of internal communication and employee satisfaction on supply chain integration
This study explores from the perspective of Social Capital Theory the effect of...
An agent-based electronic market simulator enhanced with ontology matching services and emergent social networks
AEMOS is a simulator which aims to support the development of agent‐based...
On the stationary distributions of discouraged arrival fluid queues with catastrophes
In the performance analysis of communication and manufacturing systems, fluid queues...
Mixing rich and asynchronous communication for new service development performance
This article explores the nature of relationships between internal communication...
Distributed Development and Product Line Decisions
Distributed product development is becoming increasingly prevalent in a number of...
Risk culture and crisis communication
This paper continues with the discourse on risk cultures that was prominently...
Communication in an uncertain environment: risk assessment in aeronautics
Going beyond the singularity of some fieldwork, our case study in French aeronautics...
Assessing the value of information sharing and its impact on the performance of the various partners in supply chains
With major developments in information and communication technologies,...
On the rate allocation problem under co-existence of uncertain utility function parameters and uncertain link capacities
The allocation problem is considered for a computer communication network with network...
Integration by communication: knowledge exchange in global outsourcing of product software development
Global outsourcing is a growing trend among independent software vendors. In these...
Local Embeddings of Metric Spaces
In many application areas, complex data sets are often represented by some metric...
Digital business reporting standards: mapping the battle in France
Government agencies use information technology extensively to collect business data...
Framing the national nuclear legacy at the local level: Implications for the future of federal facilities
There are several major federal nuclear facilities located in small towns and rural...
Improving policy instruments to better tap into homeowner refurbishment potential: Lessons learned from a case study in Germany
Increasing energy efficiency in residential dwellings remains one of the top climate...
Studying and prioritising the effective elements of internet advertising on e-marketing
E‐marketing is an external perspective on using internet and new technologies...
Identifying policy target groups with qualitative and quantitative methods: The case of wildfire risk on nonindustrial private forest lands
Designing policies to harness the potential of heterogeneous target groups such as...
Confronting the demands of a deliberative public sphere with media constraints
The main aim of this paper is to investigate and discuss the applicability of a...
Foucault in the forests–A review of the use of ‘Foucauldian’ concepts in forest policy analysis
In this paper, a review is conducted on the use of the concepts of Michel Foucault in...
Building communication channels for mobile robot control: The implementation experience
Nowadays mobile robots become loaded with information. The application conditions need...
Traceability in Systems Engineering ‐ Review of industrial practices, state-of-the-art technologies and new research solutions
This article discusses issues and solutions regarding traceability for Systems...
The influence of face‐to‐face communication: a principal‐agent experiment
The principal‐agent problem is an interesting problem involved in many everyday...
Risk communication: the European Commission TSE roadmap model for policy relaxation
The bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) crisis forced the European...
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