Keyword: programming: nonlinear

Found 1019 papers in total
Optimal boundary control of the wave equation with pointwise control constraints
In optimal control problems frequently pointwise control constraints appear. We...
Controlled predatory pricing in a multiperiod Stackelberg game: an MPEC approach
We analyze a multiperiod oligopolistic market where each period is a Stackelberg game...
Direct trajectory optimization and costate estimation of finite‐horizon and infinite‐horizon optimal control problems using a Radau pseudospectral method
A method is presented for direct trajectory optimization and costate estimation of...
Capacity‐constrained multiple‐market price discrimination
This paper studies a multiple‐market price discrimination problem with...
Elliptic control problems with gradient constraints–variational discrete versus piecewise constant controls
We consider an elliptic optimal control problem with pointwise bounds on the gradient...
Second‐order Kuhn‐Tucker invex constrained problems
A new notion of a second‐order KT invex problem (P) with inequality constraints...
Solving multi‐choice linear programming problems by interpolating polynomials
Multi‐choice programming solves some optimization problems where multiple...
Some aspects of reachability for parabolic boundary control problems with control constraints
A class of one‐dimensional parabolic optimal boundary control problems is...
A realization of constraint feasibility in a moving least squares response surface based approximate optimization
In the context of approximate optimization, the most extensively used tools are the...
A continuation approach for the capacitated multi‐facility weber problem based on nonlinear SOCP reformulation
We propose a primal-dual continuation approach for the capacitated multi-facility...
Generalized Benders’ Decomposition for topology optimization problems
This article considers the non‐linear mixed 0–1 optimization problems...
Self‐adaptive randomized and rank‐based differential evolution for multimodal problems
Differential Evolution (DE) is a widely used successful evolutionary algorithm (EA)...
Generalized McCormick relaxations
Convex and concave relaxations are used extensively in global optimization algorithms....
Adjoint‐based optimal control using meshfree discretizations
The paper at hand presents a combination of optimal control approaches for PDEs with...
Error analysis for optimal control problem governed by convection diffusion equations: DG method
In the current paper, we study the convergence properties of the DGFE approximation of...
The Laguerre spectral method for solving Neumann boundary value problems
In this paper, we propose a Laguerre spectral method for solving Neumann boundary...
Attracting cycles for the relaxed Newton's method
We study the relaxed Newton’s method applied to polynomials. In particular, we...
Dynamic user equilibrium with side constraints for a traffic network: Theoretical development and numerical solution algorithm
This paper investigates a traffic volume control scheme for a dynamic traffic network...
A fuzzy bi‐criteria transportation problem
In this paper, a fuzzy bi‐criteria transportation problem is studied. Here, the...
Inverse data envelopment analysis model to preserve relative efficiency values: The case of variable returns to scale
This paper studies the inverse Data Envelopment Analysis (inverse DEA) for the case of...
Disc cutters plane layout design of the full‐face rock tunnel boring machine (TBM) based on different layout patterns
The quality of plane layout design of the disc cutters for the full‐face rock...
Optimization of Supply Chain Systems with Price Elasticity of Demand
A centralized multiechelon, multiproduct supply chain network is presented in a...
Designing greedy algorithms for the flow‐shop problem by means of Empirically Adjusted Greedy Heuristics (EAGH)
This paper introduces Empirically Adjusted Greedy Heuristics (EAGH), a procedure for...
A discrete competitive facility location model with variable attractiveness
We consider the discrete version of the competitive facility location problem in which...
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