Keyword: scheduling

Found 2500 papers in total
Optimizing dead mileage in urban bus routes through a nondominated solution approach
The problem of determining nondominated schedules to take buses from depots to the...
Single-stage resource allocation and economic lot scheduling on multiple, nonidentical production lines
This paper focuses on simultaneous resource allocation, lot-sizing, and scheduling in...
Variance vs. standard deviation: Variability reduction through operations reversal
We show that if the analysis of the model of Lee and Tang used standard deviation...
Synchronized scheduling method in manufacturing steel sheets
An efficient two-stage algorithm has been developed to solve a large-scale...
Scheduling trams in the morning
In this note, we prove NP -completeness of the following problem: given a set of trams...
Robustness of capacity rationing policies
A recent paper discusses a capacity rationing policy that allows make-to-order...
Demand management: The evaluation of price and due date negotiation strategies using simulation
The research considers the problem of demand management in a firm where the firm's...
Empirical approximation of volume distance distributions for line layout problems
A distinction is defined between line layout problems where travel distance parameter...
Integer programming to schedule a hierarchical workforce with variable demands
We consider a hierarchical workforce in which a higher qualified worker can substitute...
Operations planning for a multi-stage kanban system
A multi-stage production line which operates under a just-in-time production...
A simulation study of an object-oriented integration testbed for process planning and production scheduling
Many studies on integration of process planning and production scheduling have been...
A cascading auction protocol as a framework for integrating process planning and heterarchical shop floor control
A new contract net-style auction protocol is proposed as a framework for integrating...
Order review/release in the absence of adherence to formal scheduling policies
In many plants, the performance of shop floor workers is measured by accounting-based...
A comparison of production scheduling policies on costs, service level and schedule changes
We consider a single product, single level, stochastic master production scheduling (...
Towards an integration of process planning and production planning and control for flexible manufacturing systems
This introduction article attempts to present some major issues relating to the...
Some simple, but efficient, push and pull heuristics for production sequencing for certain flexible manufacturing systems
We describe three simple rules for sequencing production in a small cell. The system...
Computing lower bounds by destructive improvement: An application to resource-constrained project scheduling
In this paper, two meta-strategies for computing lower bounds (for minimization...
Time complexity of single- and identical parallel-machine scheduling with GERT network precedence constraints
In this paper we deal with the time complexity of single- and identical...
On a multconstrained model for chromatic scheduling
A graph coloring model is described for handling some types of chromatic scheduling...
The mystical power of twoness: In memoriam Eugene L. Lawler
This paper reviews the work of Eugene L. Lawler, one of the early investigators of...
Labour scheduling at an airport refuelling installation
We have developed an automatic assignment procedure for labour scheduling at a...
Optimal buffer storage allocation in balanced reliable production lines
This work deals with the buffer allocation problem in balanced production lines. The...
Due window scheduling for parallel machines
Just-In-Time concepts are of increasing importance in today's competitive...
JIT scheduling rules: A simulation evaluation
Just-In-Time (JIT) production systems capitalize on simplicity and the ability of...
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