Keyword: scheduling

Found 2500 papers in total
Integer preemptive scheduling on parallel machines
We consider preemptive machine scheduling problems on identical parallel machines. It...
Aircrew pairings with possible repetitions of the same flight number
A crew pairing is a sequence of flights, connections and rests that starts and ends at...
Solving a robust airline crew pairing problem with column generation
In this study, we solve a robust version of the airline crew pairing problem. Our...
Robust airline schedule design in a dynamic scheduling environment
In the past decade, major airlines in the US have moved from banked...
A geometric model for an effective rescheduling after reducing service in public transportation systems
Railway systems in metropolitan areas carry a high density of traffic daily,...
Track maintenance production team scheduling in railroad networks
US railroad companies spend billions of dollars every year on track maintenance in...
Tabu search and lower bounds for a combined production–transportation problem
In this paper we consider a combined production–transportation problem, where n...
Multiobjective planning for naval mine counter measures missions
Near‐optimal scheduling and allocation for DoD missions is complicated by many...
Queueing model of a hybrid channel with faster link subject to partial and complete failures
This paper presents a Markovian queueing model for a hybrid channel consisting of two...
Large neighborhood search for LNG inventory routing
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is steadily becoming a common mode for commercializing...
Coordinating multi‐location production and customer delivery
We study two parallel machine scheduling problems with equal processing time jobs and...
Globally solving a nonlinear UAV task assignment problem by stochastic and deterministic optimization approaches
In this paper, we consider a task allocation model that consists of assigning a set of...
Single‐machine scheduling with logarithm deterioration
Traditionally, job processing times are assumed to be known and fixed; however, there...
A revised proof of the optimality for the Kise–Ibaraki–Mine algorithm
For the problem of scheduling n ‐jobs on one‐machine with agreeable job...
Single‐machine scheduling and slack due‐date assignment with aging effect and deteriorating maintenance
We consider single‐machine scheduling and slack due‐date assignment...
On the quadratic model for unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with restrictive common due date
In this paper, we deal with the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem in which...
Minimizing weighted earliness–tardiness on a single machine with a common due date using quadratic models
In this paper we study the problem of minimizing weighted earliness and tardiness on a...
Using column generation to solve parallel machine scheduling problems with minmax objective functions
In this paper we consider the parallel machine scheduling problem of minimizing an...
A framework for delivery scheduling in the poultry industry
This paper presents a framework for scheduling the collection of broiler chickens from...
Production scheduling with subcontracting: the subcontractor’s pricing game
This paper studies a two‐stage game with a manufacturer and a subcontractor who...
A mixed integer programming formulation and effective cuts for minimising schedule durations of Australian truck drivers
Transport companies seek to maximise vehicle utilisation and minimise labour costs....
Hybridising GRASP and network flows in the solution of a medical school scheduling problem
This paper tackles the problem of allocating medical students to clinical specialities...
Bi‐criteria and tri‐criteria analysis to minimize maximum lateness makespan and resource consumption for scheduling a single machine
We analyze two single machine scheduling problems for the case where job processing...
Production scheduling in a market‐driven foundry: a mathematical programming approach versus a project scheduling metaheuristic algorithm
This paper describes a real problem in a market‐driven medium sized foundry...
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