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Keyword: programming: linear
1928 papers
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Towards the prediction of business failure via computational intelligence techniques
Divsalar Mehdi
This is a pioneer study that presents two branches of computational intelligence...
A note on the optimality of index priority rules for search and sequencing problems
Koulamas Christos
We show that the linear objective function of a search problem can be generalized to a...
Multi-period maintenance scheduling of tree networks with minimum flow disruption
Li Yanjun
We introduce a multi-period tree network maintenance scheduling model and investigate...
Optimization of steerable sensor network for threat detection
Zabarankin Michael
A Markov chain approach to detecting a threat in a given surveillance zone by a...
Concavity and monotonicity properties in a groundwater management model
Weber Richard
We consider a discrete-time groundwater model in which the cost of pumping takes a...
Models for optimal survivable routing with a minimum number of hops: comparing disaggregated with aggregated models
Gouveia Lus
Given an undirected network with link capacities and a set of commodities with known...
Transversality condition for singular infinite horizon calculus of variations
Cartigny Pierre
We consider an optimal infinite horizon calculus of variations problem linear with...
A class of chance constrained multiobjective linear programming with birandom coefficients and its application to vendors selection
Xu Jiuping
In this paper, a class of chance constrained multiobjective linear programming model...
Numerical solution for optimal control of the reaction‐diffusion equations in cardiac electrophysiology
Nagaiah Chamakuri
The bidomain equations, a continuum approximation of cardiac tissue based on the idea...
Minimum power multicasting in wireless networks under probabilistic node failures
Nobili Paolo
In this paper we deal with a probabilistic extension of the minimum power multicast...
Optimal boundary control of the wave equation with pointwise control constraints
Gugat Martin
In optimal control problems frequently pointwise control constraints appear. We...
The extrapolated interval global optimization algorithm
Nataraj V
This paper presents a new approach based on extrapolation to accelerate the linear...
Improved core problem based heuristics for the 0/1 multi‐dimensional knapsack problem
Della Croce F
We consider the 0/1 multi‐dimensional knapsack problem and discuss the...
An approximation algorithm for convex multi‐objective programming problems
Schbel Anita
In multi‐objective convex optimization it is necessary to compute an infinite...
Global optimization for the generalized polynomial sum of ratios problem
Shen Peiping
In this paper, a new deterministic global optimization algorithm is proposed for...
Shape optimization of an airfoil in the presence of compressible and viscous flows
Farhadinia B
The objective of this article is to present a step‐by‐step...
A new class of penalized NCP‐functions and its properties
Chen J -S
In this paper, we consider a class of penalized NCP‐functions, which includes...
Pareto‐optimality of oblique decision trees from evolutionary algorithms
Pangilinan Maria
This paper investigates the performance of evolutionary algorithms in the optimization...
Project crashing in the presence of general non‐linear activity time reduction costs
Diaby Moustapha
In this paper, we are concerned with the project crashing problem. The functional form...
Exact Algorithms for the Bottleneck Steiner Tree Problem
Bae Won
Given n points, called terminals, in the plane ℝ 2 and a positive integer k , the...
A closest vector problem arising in radiation therapy planning
Kiesel Antje
In this paper we consider the following closest vector problem . We are given a set of...
SIRALINA: efficient two‐steps heuristic for storage optimisation in single period task scheduling
Deschinkel Karine
In this paper, we study the general problem of one‐dimensional periodic task...
Inventory models with ramp type demand rate, time dependent deterioration rate, unit production cost and shortages
Skouri K
Manna and Chaudhuri (2006) presented a production-inventory system for deteriorating...
A sensitivity analysis to assess the completion time deviation for multi‐purpose machines facing demand uncertainty
Rossi Andr
This paper addresses multi‐purpose machine configuration in an uncertain...
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