Keyword: planning

Found 770 papers in total
Relationship of planning and control systems with strategic choices: A closer look
The study finds that relative to others, firms pursuing the Prospector-like strategy...
An examination of the effects of balanced budget laws on state borrowing costs
This study investigates the relationship between different levels of state balanced...
Institutional structures utilized in state revenue forecasting
Approaches taken by states in their revenue forecasting are extremely diverse. This...
Toward a more ethical system of state and local government retirement funding
The deferred nature of retirement benefits provides public officials with a means of...
Budgeting structures and citizen participation
This paper reviews the literature concerning when and in what way citizen...
Beyond the public hearing: Citizen participation in the local government budget process
This study explores the use and effects of citizen participation in city budgeting....
The utilization and effectiveness of citizen advisory committees in the budget process of local governments
This paper examines the role of citizen budget advisory committees in local government...
The economics and politics of revenue reform: A case study
The 1990s witnessed unprecedented economic growth and state revenue growth. Many...
Views from the field: Creating a place for authentic citizen participation in budgeting
Citizen participation in budgeting is often achieved by compliance with legal statutes...
A dynamic method of citizen preference revelation
In this article we explore two citizen-based approaches to solving the problem of...
The challenge to improve citizen participation in public budgeting: A discussion
This article considers the recent emphasis on the importance and value of citizen...
An investment planning model for a new north-central railway in Brazil
This paper presents a method for determining the optimal timing and economic...
A highway corridor planning model: QROAD
This model calculates an optimal investment plan for a highway corridor or number of...
Cross-town bus routes as a solution for decentralized travel: A cost–benefit analysis of Monterrey, Mexico
Travel patterns have become more decentralized as employment has dispersed throughout...
Assessing traveler responsiveness to land and location based accessibility and mobility solutions
In this paper, a joint multinomial logit model of residential location and vehicle...
A multiclass, multicriteria traffic network equilibrium model with elastic demand
In this paper, we develop a multiclass, multicriteria traffic network equilibrium...
Lotteries, the American states and the federal government: A formula for perpetual success or inevitable destruction in education policy?
Lotteries have gained immense popularity for enhancing fiscal resources for social...
Performance budgeting – the next budgetary answer. But what is the question?
In the world of public budgeting, ideas and concepts often come, go, and then...
Court strategies in the appropriations process: The Oklahoma case
Little is known about the strategies used by state courts during the appropriations...
Pricing public information: The case of Norwegian government policymaking
A paradox seems to emerge when public information is priced without associated costs...
The influence of land use on travel behavior: Specification and estimation strategies
While the relationship between urban form and travel behavior is a key element of many...
Uncertain socioeconomic projections used in travel demand and emissions models: Could plausible errors result in air quality nonconformity?
A sensitivity analysis of plausible errors in population, employment, fuel price, and...
Optimizing plant-line schedules and an application at Hidden Valley Manufacturing Company
A plant line schedule specifies a plant's sustained batch operations over time with...
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