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Keyword: optimization
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Dynamic zigzag pricing of resalable goods with no depreciation and intergroup externalities
Kogan K.
This paper addresses the pricing policy of durable value goods that do not depreciate...
Using principal components in a proportional hazards model with applications in condition-based maintenance
Jardine A.K.S.
This paper proposes the application of a principal components proportional hazards...
Crane scheduling with non-crossing constraint
Zhu Y.
In this paper, we examine crane scheduling for ports. This important component of port...
Optimizing verification, validation and testing strategies: a decomposition approach
Barad M.
Verification, validation and testing (VVT) of large systems is an important but...
Optimal policies for inventory usage, production and pricing of fashion goods over a selling season
Kogan K.
A short selling season and highly uncertain demands prior to the season characterize...
Optimal production time and number of maintenance actions for an imperfect production system under equal-interval maintenance policy
Wu Peitsang
This paper deals with the optimal production/maintenance (PM) policy for a...
Finite horizon planning for a production system with permitted shortage and fixed-interval deliveries
Sarker Bhaba R.
Raw material ordering policy and the manufacturing batch size for frequent deliveries...
Optimization of workcell layouts in a mixed-model assembly line environment
Klampfl Erica
Mixed-model assembly lines enable automotive manufacturers to build different vehicles...
Single versus multiple sourcing in the presence of risks
Berger P.D.
This paper relies on a decision-tree approach to aid a buying firm in determining the...
A heuristic scheduling algorithm for steel making process with crane handling
Tamura Takayoshi
There are a large number of multi-stage job-shop processes in production plants. Steel...
Heuristics for determining the number of warehouses for storing non-compatible products
Basnet Chuda
In this paper we discuss a version of the classical knapsack problem, where the...
Analysis and optimization for automated vehicle routing on a single loop
Kise Hiroshi
This paper treats with an automated material handling system called a permutation...
Generating optimal two-section cutting patterns for rectangular blanks
Cui Yaodong
This paper presents an algorithm for generating unconstrained guillotine-cutting...
Checkerboard pattern: proposals for its generation
Yanasse H.H.
Checkerboard patterns, also known as 1-group patterns, belong to a special class of...
Comparison of wavelength requirements between two wavelength assignment methods in survivable WDM networks
Park Sungsoo
We consider the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) in survivable WDM network. A...
Optimal quota allocation for a revenue-maximizing auction holder facing a random number of bidders
Parlar M.
This paper is motivated by the following practical multi-unit auction. Before...
Global optimization models in data networks: a case study
Ali M.M.
In this paper we present a methodology for a rural and semi-urban data network...
Comparison of two methods for the stochastic least cost design of water distribution systems
Savic Dragan A.
The problem of stochastic (i.e. robust) water distribution system (WDS) design is...
Application of a max–min ant system to joint layout and size optimization of pipe networks
Afshar Mohammad H.
The application of a max–min ant algorithm to the layout and size optimization...
A novel evolutionary meta-heuristic for the multi-objective optimization of real-world water distribution networks
Keedwell Edward
Genetic algorithms are currently one of the state-of-the-art meta-heuristic techniques...
Conjunctive optimal scheduling of pumping and booster chlorine injections in water distribution systems
Ostfeld Avi
This article extends previous work on optimal booster chlorination injection design...
An exact algorithm for the knapsack sharing problem with common items
Yamada Takeo
We are concerned with a variation of the knapsack problem as well as of the knapsack...
An optimization algorithm for a penalized knapsack problem
Righini Giovanni
We study a variation of the knapsack problem in which each item has a profit, a weight...
Application of an ant algorithm for layout optimization of tree networks
Afshar Mohammad H.
This article presents an application of the ant algorithm to the layout optimization...
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