Keyword: optimization

Found 2864 papers in total
Stochastic pension funding when the benefit and the risky asset follow jump diffusion processes
We study the asset allocation of defined benefit pension plans of the type designed...
Bayesian variable selection in generalized linear models using a combination of stochastic optimization methods
In this paper the usage of a stochastic optimization algorithm as a model search tool...
Preference elicitation from inconsistent judgments using multi‐objective optimization
Several decision‐making techniques involve pairwise comparisons to elicit the...
The eye and the fist: Optimizing search and interdiction
Interdiction operations involving search, identification, and interception of...
Perfect matchings in paired domination vertex critical graphs
A vertex subset S of a graph G =( V , E ) is a paired dominating set if every vertex...
Optimization incentive and relative riskiness in experimental stag‐hunt games
We compare the experimental results of three stag‐hunt games. In contrast to...
A Linear Algorithm for the Random Sampling from Regular Languages
We present the first linear algorithm for the random sampling from regular languages....
A dynamic programming approach for agent's bidding strategy in TAC‐SCM game
Intelligent agents have been developed for a number of e‐commerce applications...
Pruning 2‐Connected Graphs
Given an undirected graph G with edge costs and a specified set of terminals, let the...
Aligning Two Convex Figures to Minimize Area or Perimeter
Given two compact convex sets P and Q in the plane, we consider the problem of finding...
A Note on Bar‐Gera's Algorithm for the Origin‐Based Traffic Assignment Problem
Recently, Bar-Gera (2002) proposed a quasi-Newton method for the origin-based...
A Linear Time Algorithm for the Arc Disjoint Menger Problem in Planar Directed Graphs
Given a graph G=(V,E) and two vertices s,t ∈V , s eq t , the Menger problem is to...
Partitioning Planar Graphs with Vertex Costs: Algorithms and Applications
We prove separator theorems in which the size of the separator is minimized with...
Experimental Analysis of Heuristic Algorithms for the Dominating Set Problem
We say a vertex v in a graph G covers a vertex w if v=w or if v and w are adjacent. A...
Mutual impacts of product standardization and supply chain design
This paper deals with two major issues for industries; the product design and the...
Production planning of a hybrid manufacturing–remanufacturing system under uncertainty within a closed‐loop supply chain
This paper deals with the production planning and control of a single product...
Discount pricing for a family of items: The supplier's optimal decisions
Consider a family of SKUs for which the supplier will offer a quantity discount,...
Assuring finite moments for willingness to pay in random coefficient models
Random coefficient models such as mixed logit are increasingly being used to allow for...
Testing the Quality ofManufactured Disks and Balls
We consider the problem of testing the roundness of manufactured disks and balls using...
Approximate Matching of Run‐Length Compressed Strings
We focus on the problem of approximate matching of strings that have been compressed...
Lower tolerance‐based Branch and Bound algorithms for the ATSP
In this paper, we develop a new tolerance‐based Branch and Bound algorithm for...
On the Competitive Theory and Practice of Online List Accessing Algorithms
This paper concerns the online list accessing problem. In the first part of the paper...
A Divide‐and‐Conquer Approach to the Minimum k ‐Way Cut Problem
This paper presents algorithms for computing a minimum 3 ‐way cut and a minimum...
Improved Algorithms for Constructing Fault‐Tolerant Spanners
Let S be a set of n points in a metric space, and let k be a positive integer....
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