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Keyword: optimization
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Sufficient optimality conditions in hierarchical models of nonuniform systems
Gurman V
We give a brief survey of the studies developed on the basis of general Krotov’s...
Discontinuous solutions of the optimal control problems. Iterative optimization method
Trushkova E
Consideration was given to the class of optimal control problems for the differential...
Discontinuous solutions in the optimal control problems and their representation by singular space-time transformations
Miller B
Consideration was given to the problems of variational calculus and optimal control...
Identity matching and information acquisition: Estimation of optimal threshold parameters
Garfinkel Robert
We analyze statistical challenges of calibrating matching software through sampling....
Fast and fine quickest path algorithm
Sedeo-Noda Antonio
We address the quickest path problem proposing a new algorithm based on the fact that...
Solution Methods for Fuel Supply of Trains
Zufferey Nicolas
The considered problem consists in optimizing the refueling costs of a fleet of...
Integration of genetic algorithm, analytic hierarchy process and computer simulation for optimisation of operator allocation in manufacturing systems with weighted variables
Azadeh Ali
This paper presents an integrated analytic hierarchy process (AHP) genetic...
Assessment of implementability and safety of aircraft flight paths by an on-board mathematical model
Aleshin B
This paper suggests a certain methodology for aircraft flight forecasting, detection...
Simulation modeling of the probability of automobile-pedestrian accident for various driving types
Varnavsky A
The paper describes a simulation model of a moving automobile and a pedestrian run out...
Optimal control problem for a linear stationary fractional order system in the form of a problem of moments: Problem setting and a study
Postnov S
We justify an optimal control problem setting for a linear stationary dynamical system...
Weakly monotone solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi inequality and optimality conditions with positional controls
Dykhta V
We obtain necessary global optimality conditions for classical optimal control...
Control and observation for dynamical queueing networks. II
Solodyannikov Yu
We study the optimal control problem in a queueing network under incomplete data. With...
The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation for a class of differential games with random duration
Shevkoplyas E
We consider the class of differential games with random duration. We show that a...
A synthesis of statistical and deterministic methods in problem of smoothing for time series
Agranovich Yu
In article the minimization problem of the residual for Euler‐MacLaurin formula...
Multiagent technology for the application of a distributing function for load balancing in multiserver systems
Kravets O
We consider the characteristic features of applying a distributing function to load...
Optimal Control for Switched Systems with Pre-defined Order and Switch-Dependent Dynamics
Sigal Erez
The optimal control problem for switched systems, with a predefined order of switches,...
Best economical hybrid energy solution: Model development and case study of a WDS in Portugal
Gonalves F V
Integrated model for optimization the operating strategies of WDS. Energy efficiency...
Combining spatial modeling and choice experiments for the optimal spatial allocation of wind turbines
Drechsler Martin
We combine modeling and economic valuation to optimally allocate wind turbines....
Improved pricing and integration with revenue management ‐ The next step toward improved revenues
Lancaster John
Revenue management and distribution departments have seen important improvements in...
Creating systems with integrated advanced analytics
Pinchuk Steve
In the future, we will have a better understanding of how to optimize advanced...
Optimization of Sewer Networks Using an Adaptive Genetic Algorithm
Haghighi Ali
This work aims at introducing an optimization model to design sewer networks. The...
Counting closed trails
Kaski Petteri
A closed trail is a connected graph whose every vertex is incident to an even number...
Degenerate problems of optimal control for discrete-continuous (hybrid) systems
Rasina I
The notion of the degenerate problem of optimal control for the...
Using agent’s type in control problems for a multi-agent hierarchical system
Sekaev V
The feasibility of using agent’s type in solving a constrained optimization...
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