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Keyword: optimization
2864 papers
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Cost-Benefit Analysis for Optimization of Risk Protection Under Budget Constraints
Straub Daniel
Cost‐benefit analysis (CBA) is commonly applied as a tool for deciding on risk...
Optimal Strategies for Interception, Detection, and Eradication in Plant Biosecurity
Pasquali Sara
The introduction of invasive species causes damages from the economic and ecological...
Bounding Optimal Expected Revenues for Assortment Optimization under Mixtures of Multinomial Logits
Topaloglu Huseyin
We consider assortment problems under a mixture of multinomial logit models. There is...
Addressing the Challenge of Modeling for Decision-Making in Socially Responsible Operations
Van Wassenhove Luk N
Companies seek sustainability by combining the quest for profitability with the...
An optimization model to fit airspace demand considering a spatio-temporal analysis of airspace capacity
Piera Miquel A
The European and U.S. airspace systems are highly congested at certain peak time...
Investment in Shared Suppliers: Effect of Learning, Spillover, and Competition
Muthulingam Suresh
We investigate the optimal strategies for firms to invest in their suppliers when the...
Dynamic surface control based on neural network for an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle
Zhou Li
In this paper, an adaptive dynamic surface control approach is presented for the...
Time-optimal reorientation of the rigid spacecraft using a pseudospectral method integrated homotopic approach
Li Jing
This paper proposes a robust algorithm for time‐optimal rigid spacecraft...
Analysis of a periodic optimal control problem connected to microalgae anaerobic digestion
Bayen T
In this work, we study the coupling of a culture of microalgae limited by light and an...
Attitude control of full vehicle using variable stiffness suspension control
Tchamna Rodrigue
In this paper, the attitude of a ground vehicle travelling in cornering is controlled...
Robust H8 performance analysis for uncertain discrete-time singular systems with time-varying delays
Ma Yuechao
This paper considers the problem of robust H∞ performance analysis for uncertain...
Fault reconstruction in descriptor linear parameter-varying systems via polytopic unknown-input proportional-integral observers
Chen Wen
In this paper, a fault reconstruction scheme for a class of discrete‐time...
Mixed H2/H8 control for a class of nonlinear discrete-time networked control systems with random delays and stochastic packet dropouts
Wang Yanqian
The paper studies the problem of mixed H 2 /H ∞ control for a class of nonlinear...
Optimal spatial field control for controlled release
Kishida Masako
Most distributed parameter control problems involve manipulation within the spatial...
Fractional linear control systems with Caputo derivative and their optimization
Kamocki Rafa
In this paper, a fractional linear control system, containing Caputo derivative, with...
Fixed-structure H2 controller design for polytopic systems via LMIs
Sadeghzadeh Arash
In this paper, a new approach for fixed‐structure H 2 controller design in...
Finite-horizon near optimal adaptive control of uncertain linear discrete-time systems
Zhao Qiming
In this paper, the finite‐horizon near optimal adaptive regulation of linear...
Realization of causal current output-based optimal full/reduced-order observer and tracker for the linear sampled-data system with a direct transmission term
Tsai Jason Sheng-Hong
Realization of causal current output‐based optimal full/reduced‐order...
Robust sliding mode control approach for systems affected by unmatched uncertainties using H8 with pole clustering constraints
Wajdi Saad
In this paper, the problem of sliding mode control for a class of systems with...
Selecting informative rules with parallel genetic algorithm in classification problem
Sana Shib Sankar
The classification system is very important for making decision and it has been...
A characteristic-mixed finite element method for time-dependent convection‐diffusion optimal control problem
Fu Hongfei
In this paper, we examine the method of characteristic‐mixed finite element for...
On the discrete-time system with server breakdowns: Computational algorithm and optimization algorithm
Ke Jau-Chuan
This paper analyzes a discrete‐time Geo/Geo/1 queueing system with the server...
Global asymptotic stability of stochastic Cohen‐Grossberg-type BAM neural networks with mixed delays: An LMI approach
Li Xiaodi
In this paper, we consider the stochastic Cohen–Grossberg‐type BAM neural...
A posteriori error estimates for hp finite element solutions of convex optimal control problems
Chen Yanping
In this paper, we present a posteriori error analysis for h p finite element...
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