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Keyword: politics
206 papers
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The goals and implementation success of state performance-based budgeting
Hackbart Merl
There has been a great deal of research regarding the success and impact of state...
Impact of corruption on foreign direct investment and tax revenues
Ketkar Kusum W.
Using Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), this paper...
Country level corruption and frequency of issue in the US market
Khumawala Saleha
This paper examines if country level corruption affects the size of a country's stock...
Public sector corruption: Lessons from Daiwa, Sumitomo, and Bank of Estonia
Wallace Wanda A.
Daiwa, Sumitomo, and Bank of Estonia experiences display patterns from which lessons...
State audits in the United States 1996–2000
Friedberg Asher
Audits are a crucial part of the American system of checks and balances. Adequately...
The Shapley–Shubik power index for games with several levels of approval in the input and output
Freixas Josep
Voting systems with several levels of approval in the input and output are considered...
A commutation flow model and the effect of workers decentralization using the joint distribution of home and workplace locations
Suzuki Tsutomu
The objective of this paper is to show the theoretical relationship between spatial...
Special assessments in Florida cities and counties; dodging amendment 10?
Stumm Theodore J.
Special assessments have become an ever more popular form of taxation in Florida's...
To file or not to file: The causes of municipal bankruptcy in the United States
Park Keeok
About 500 municipalities have declared bankruptcy since Congress passed the Municipal...
A framework for conducting political event analysis using group support systems
Blanning Robert W.
Corporations seeking to expand their operations internationally often encounter...
China's fiscal reform: the issue of extra budgeting
Holzer Marc
To adjust the fiscal relationship between the central government and the local...
State and local fiscal structures and fiscal stress
Shamsub Hannarong
In the past two decades, much of the literature in the area of government financial...
The prospects for general sales taxation in American state and local government finance: challenges for a fiscal workhorse unready for the new millennium
Mikesell John L.
The retail sales tax has provided a strong foundation for American state government...
Factors leading to state participation in the streamlined sales tax project
Cameron Amna C.
The loss in sales tax revenue from nontaxable remote sales erodes a state's ability to...
Changes in state tax structures: true comprehensive reform or artifacts of incrementalism?
Hackbart Merl M.
Using data obtained from the National Conference of State Legislatures, we investigate...
Efficient distributions of arms-control inspection effort
Kilgour D. Marc
A rule that constrains decision-makers is enforced by an inspector who is supplied...
A decision tool for allocating the waters of the Jordan River basin between all riparian parties
Mimi Ziad A.
Shared water resources are strong sources of conflict in the Jordan River basin shared...
Computing power indices for large voting games
Leech Dennis
Voting power indices enable the analysis of the distribution of power in a legislature...
Biennial budgeting debates in Congress: 1977–2000
Boatright Robert G.
Biennial budgeting and appropriations cycles have been a popular idea among many...
The economics and politics of revenue reform: A case study
Ramsey James R.
The 1990s witnessed unprecedented economic growth and state revenue growth. Many...
A dynamic method of citizen preference revelation
Robbins Mark D.
In this article we explore two citizen-based approaches to solving the problem of...
The challenge to improve citizen participation in public budgeting: A discussion
Beckett Julia
This article considers the recent emphasis on the importance and value of citizen...
Lotteries, the American states and the federal government: A formula for perpetual success or inevitable destruction in education policy?
French P. Edward
Lotteries have gained immense popularity for enhancing fiscal resources for social...
Performance budgeting – the next budgetary answer. But what is the question?
Pitsvada Bernard
In the world of public budgeting, ideas and concepts often come, go, and then...
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