Keyword: simulation

Found 2961 papers in total
Two New Features in Discrete Choice Experiments to Improve Willingness-to-Pay Estimation That Result in SDR and SADR: Separated (Adaptive) Dual Response
Discrete choice experiments such as choice‐based conjoint and dual response are...
Queueing Models of Case Managers
Many service systems use case managers, servers who are assigned multiple customers...
When Is a Network Epidemic Hard to Eliminate?
We consider the propagation of a contagion process (‘epidemic’) on a...
Characterizations of Smooth Ambiguity Based on Continuous and Discrete Data
In the Anscombe‐Aumann setup, we provide conditions for a collection of...
Provably Near-Optimal Balancing Policies for Multi-Echelon Stochastic Inventory Control Models
We develop the first algorithmic approach to compute provably good ordering policies...
The Time‐Money Trade-Off for Entrepreneurs: When to Hire the First Employee?
For many early‐stage entrepreneurs, hiring the first employee is a critical...
Capacitated Multiechelon Inventory Systems: Policies and Bounds
We study a periodically reviewed multiechelon serial inventory system with a capacity...
Measuring the Bullwhip Effect: Discrepancy and Alignment Between Information and Material Flows
The bullwhip effect is a phenomenon commonly observed in supply chains. It describes...
Leader-Based Collective Bargaining: Cooperation Mechanism and Incentive Analysis
We study leader‐based collective bargaining (LCB), under which a leading buyer...
Online and Offline Information for Omnichannel Retailing
This paper studies how retailers can effectively deliver online and offline...
Understanding How Generation Flexibility and Renewable Energy Affect Power Market Competition
We study supply function competition among conventional power generators with...
Revealed Preference Tests of Collectively Rational Consumption Behavior: Formulations and Algorithms
This paper focuses on revealed preference tests of the collective model of household...
Rank Centrality: Ranking from Pairwise Comparisons
The question of aggregating pairwise comparisons to obtain a global ranking over a...
Large-Scale Loan Portfolio Selection
We consider the problem of optimally selecting a large portfolio of risky loans, such...
Continuous-Review (R, nQ) Policies for Inventory Systems with Dual Delivery Modes
We study a continuous‐review, infinite‐horizon inventory system with...
Impact of Delay Announcements in Call Centers: An Empirical Approach
We undertake an empirical study of the impact of delay announcements on callers’...
Robust Product Line Design
The majority of approaches to product line design that have been proposed by marketing...
Percentage and Relative Error Measures in Forecast Evaluation
Properties of two large families of scale‐free forecast accuracy measures that...
Optimizing Performance-Based Internet Advertisement Campaigns
This study provides an approach to manage an ongoing Internet ad campaign that...
Optimal Resource Capacity Management for Stochastic Networks
We develop a framework for determining the optimal resource capacity of each station...
Supply Function Equilibrium with Taxed Benefits
Supply function equilibrium models are used to study electricity market auctions with...
Cross-Selling Investment Products with a Win-Win Perspective in Portfolio Optimization
We propose a novel approach to cross‐selling investment products that considers...
Mutual and Exclusive: Dyadic Sources of Trust in Interorganizational Exchange
Trust in interfirm exchange has traditionally been treated as mutually held and...
Organization Design, Proximity, and Productivity Responses to Upward Social Comparison
We investigate the mechanisms that shape social comparison in organizations and...
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