Keyword: fuzzy sets

Found 1019 papers in total
On comparing interval numbers
This paper first presents a brief survey of the existing works on comparing and...
A fuzzy programming approach to energy resource allocation
This paper presents a fuzzy multi-objective linear programming approach to serve the...
Fuzzy decision making for distribution systems operational planning
This paper presents results of research associated with the development of decision...
An adaptive control method for time-varying systems
Fuzzy set theory has grown to become a major scientific domain collectively referred...
A fuzzy programming method for deriving priorities in the analytic hierarchy process
The estimation of the priorities from pairwise comparison matrices is the major...
Experiments with new stochastic global optimization search techniques
In this paper several probabilistic search techniques are developed for global...
Solving economic and environmental problems in timber industry systems by a mathematical decision support model
A methodology for diagnosing the existing ecological situation in timber industry...
Multi-objective fuzzy regression: A general framework
Previous research has shown that in some cases fuzzy regression may perform better...
Complex systems analysis and environmental modeling
Most studies of complex systems take the way of comparing a developed artificial world...
Logical foundation of fuzzy preferential systems with application to the ELECTRE decision aid methods
In this paper we introduce split truth/falseness semantics for a multi-valued logical...
On consistency and ranking of alternatives in fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
In fuzzy AHP where pairwise comparisons are described by membership values, the...
Fuzzy inventory with backorder for fuzzy total demand based on interval-valued fuzzy set
It is difficult to determine the fixed total demand r 0 in an inventory problem with...
Fuzzy inventory without backorder for fuzzy order quantity and fuzzy total demand quantity
In this paper, we consider the inventory problem without backorder such that both...
Fuzzy multicriteria models for quality function deployment
An integrated formulation and solution approach to Quality Function Deployment (QFD)...
Economic order quantity in fuzzy sense for inventory without backorder model
This paper investigates a group of computing schemas for economic order quantity as...
New interpretation of the inequality relations in fuzzy goal programming
This paper deals with inequality relations in fuzzy goal programming problems not...
Enumeration of possibly optimal extreme points in linear programming problems with single objective function coefficient vectors in convex polytopes
In this paper, we deal with a linear programming problem whose objective function...
Computer-supported collaborative argumentation and fuzzy similarity measures in multiple criteria decision making
Group decision making is usually performed in the presence of conflicting goals and...
An intelligent business forecaster for strategic business planning
In this paper an intelligent business forecaster for strategic business planning is...
Application of fuzzy decision making in part-machine grouping
In this study, fuzzy set theory (FST) is used to set out the cell layout. A new...
Fuzzy programming for multiobjective job shop scheduling with fuzzy processing time and fuzzy duedate through genetic algorithms
In this paper, by considering the imprecise or fuzzy nature of the data in real-world...
A fuzzy credit-rating approach for commercial loans: A Taiwan case
Credit rating for commercial loans is an important task for loan officers of a bank...
Missile system selection based on the fuzzy sets theory
This paper presents a possible military application of fuzzy sets. The multicriteria...
Application of fuzzy logic and neural networks for dynamic travel time estimation
The effectiveness of loop detectors as a data source for advanced traveler information...
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