A fuzzy programming method for deriving priorities in the analytic hierarchy process

A fuzzy programming method for deriving priorities in the analytic hierarchy process

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Article ID: iaor20011454
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 51
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 341
End Page Number: 349
Publication Date: Mar 2000
Journal: Journal of the Operational Research Society
Keywords: fuzzy sets, analytic hierarchy process

The estimation of the priorities from pairwise comparison matrices is the major constituent of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. The priority vector can be derived from these matrices using different techniques, as the most commonly used are the Eigenvector Method and the Logarithmic Least Squares Method. In this paper a new Fuzzy Programming Method (FPM) is proposed, based on geometrical representation of the prioritisation process. This method transforms the prioritisation problem into a fuzzy programming problem that can easily be solved as a standard linear programme. The FPM is compared with the main existing prioritisation methods in order to evaluate its performance. It is shown that it possesses some attractive properties and could be used as an alternative to the known prioritisation methods, especially when the preferences of the decision-maker are strongly inconsistent.


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