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Keyword: social
631 papers
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CSR related management practices and firm performance: An empirical analysis of the quantity‐quality trade-off on French data
Crifo Patricia
This paper analyzes how different combinations of Corporate Social Responsibility...
Reciprocity norms and information-sharing behavior in online consumption communities: An empirical investigation of antecedents and moderators
Tsai Hsien-Tung
This study seeks a better understanding of information‐sharing behavior in...
Self-disclosure in Chinese micro-blogging: A social exchange theory perspective
Liu Zilong
This paper examines the influence of social benefits and costs on...
Home location profiling for users in social media
Liu Yu
In this paper, we focus on the problem of estimating the home locations of users in...
Problem-solving effort and success in innovation contests: The role of national wealth and national culture
Mishra Anant
Innovation contests allow firms to harness specialized skills and services from...
Understanding News 2.0: A framework for explaining the number of comments from readers on online news
Liu Qian
In the era of News 2.0, the number of comments can indicate the influence of online...
Personalized recommendations based on time-weighted overlapping community detection
Li Minqiang
Capturing and understanding user interests are an important part of social media...
Subjective well-being measurement based on Chinese grassroots blog text sentiment analysis
Qi Jiayin
In this study, we propose a new method to measure the subjective well‐being...
Why users contribute knowledge to online communities: An empirical study of an online social Q&A community
Li Yijun
Based on social capital theory, social exchange theory, and social cognitive theory,...
Use of the Structured Interview Matrix to Enhance Community Resilience Through Collaboration and Inclusive Engagement
O'Sullivan Tracey L
The EnRiCH Project was formed to address challenges with disaster management for high...
An evaluation methodology for crowdsourced design
Wu Hao
In recent years, the ‘power of the crowd’ has been repeatedly demonstrated...
Fame for sale: Efficient detection of fake Twitter followers
Cresci Stefano
Fake followers are those Twitter accounts specifically created to inflate the number...
Taxing the development structure of open source communities: An information processing view
Grover Varun
Committers in Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects shoulder...
Knowledge boundary spanning and productivity in information systems support community
Chi Lei
An information systems (IS) support community represents a knowledge-intensive network...
Supply-Chain Research Opportunities with the Poor as Suppliers or Distributors in Developing Countries
Sodhi ManMohan S
Many social enterprises and some companies have developed supply chains with the poor...
Acceptance of drinking and driving and alcohol-involved driving crashes in California
Ragland David R
Alcohol‐impaired driving accounts for substantial proportion of...
Exploring the effects of eHealth service innovation
Wass Sofie
To analyse the impact of implementation and use of eHealth services is fraught with...
A qualitative analysis of social intelligence in nonprofit organizations: external knowledge acquisition for human capital development, organizational learning and innovation
Kong Eric
Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are in crisis due to the introduction of new public...
A ‘placeful’ station? The community role in place making and improving hedonic value at local railway stations
Alexander Matthew
In recent years, railway stations have come to be seen as non‐places within...
An ontologic agent-based model of recreational polydrug use: SimUse
Bossomaier Terry
SimUse is an ontology‐based social simulation model aiming at reproducing...
An adaptive structuration theory approach to price transmission in the rice value chain
Simatupang Togar M
Most of the quantitative studies on price transmission of agricultural products deal...
Synthetic generation of social network data with endorsements
Prez-Ross H
In many simulation studies involving networks there is the need to rely on a sample...
The inadequacy of the dimension of assets to classify financial institutions: application to cooperative banks
PalomoZurdo Ricardo
In this research, a new approach for the classification of cooperative banks is...
The Impact of Placing Adolescent Males into Foster Care on Education, Income Assistance, and Convictions
Warburton William P
Understanding the causal impacts of taking at‐risk youth into government care...
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