Keyword: combinatorial optimization

Found 3184 papers in total
Bi‐objective bimodal urban road network design using hybrid metaheuristics
In this paper a bimodal discrete urban road network design problem with bus and car...
Clustered enhanced differential evolution for the blocking flow shop scheduling problem
A novel clustered population paradigm is presented in this paper which is based on...
Guiding traffic in the case of big events with spot checks on traffic and additional parking space requirements
Big events lead to temporary very high traffic volumes which usually exceed traffic...
Derivative‐free methods for bound constrained mixed‐integer optimization
We consider the problem of minimizing a continuously differentiable function of...
A facility location model with safety stock costs: analysis of the cost of single‐sourcing requirements
We consider a supply chain setting where multiple uncapacitated facilities serve a set...
Optimal inter‐area coordination of train rescheduling decisions
Railway dispatchers reschedule trains in real‐time in order to limit the...
Design of a rail transit line for profit maximization in a linear transportation corridor
This paper addresses the design problem of a rail transit line located in a linear...
Models for relief routing: Equity, efficiency and efficacy
In humanitarian relief operations, vehicle routing and supply allocation decisions are...
A bi‐objective model for planning and managing rail‐truck intermodal transportation of hazardous materials
We propose a bi‐objective optimization framework for routing rail‐truck...
A spatiotemporal partitioning approach for large‐scale vehicle routing problems with time windows
For VRP with time windows (VRPTW) solved by conventional cluster‐first and...
Competitive multi‐facility location games with non‐identical firms and convex traffic congestion costs
This paper studies a set of heterogenous competitive firms simultaneously locating...
A Green Vehicle Routing Problem
A Green Vehicle Routing Problem (G‐VRP) is formulated and solution techniques...
In‐transit perishable product inspection
We determine the value of monitoring perishable freight in‐transit for a single...
Transit network design: A procedure and an application to a large urban area
This paper describes a procedure for solving the bus network design problem and its...
Design of an effective algorithm for fast response to the re‐scheduling of railway traffic during disturbances
An attractive and sustainable railway traffic system is characterized by having a high...
A schedule‐based assignment model with explicit capacity constraints for congested transit networks
This paper presents a schedule‐based dynamic assignment model for transit...
Increasing stability of crew and aircraft schedules
Stability describes the grade of the ability of a plan to remain feasible and cost...
Efficiency and equity of ramp control and capacity allocation mechanisms in a freeway corridor
This paper investigates the efficiency and equity of morning peak ramp control schemes...
A tractable class of algorithms for reliable routing in stochastic networks
The goal of this article is to provide the theoretical basis for enabling tractable...
A Bayesian model for the joint optimization of quality and maintenance decisions
We develop a model for the economic design of a Bayesian control chart for monitoring...
A cost-based selective maintenance decision-making method for machining line
Machine line is a type of manufacturing system in which machines are connected in...
Shewhart and EWMA t control charts for short production runs
Short-run productions are common in manufacturing environments like job shops, which...
An Optimal Replenishment Policy For Deteriorating Items With Ramp Type Demand Under Permissible Delay In Payments
The aim of this paper is to develop an optimal replenishment policy for inventory...
A Path Relinking approach for the Team Orienteering Problem
This paper introduces a Path Relinking metaheuristic approach for solving the Team...
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