Keyword: combinatorial optimization

Found 3184 papers in total
Workforce minimization for a mixed-model assembly line in the automotive industry
A paced assembly line consisting of several workstations is considered. This line is...
Sequencing and Scheduling Appointments with Potential Call-In Patients
This paper studies appointment scheduling for a combination of routine patients who...
Managing Supply Risk for Vertically Differentiated Co-Products
The manufacturing complexity of many high‐tech products results in a...
Simulation optimisation of total cost in M/G/C retrial queuing systems with geometric loss, feedback and linear retrial policy
This paper presents an integrated computer simulation model for optimisation of total...
Integrating two-agent scheduling and order acceptance problems to maximise total revenue by bounding each agent penalty function
This paper integrates the two‐agent scheduling problem and the order acceptance...
A note on the complexity of scheduling problems with linear job deterioration
Jafari and Moslehi (2012) state that certain single-machine scheduling problems with...
Diagonal cross-aisles in unit load warehouses to increase handling performance
This work proposes a non-conventional easy-applicable configuration for unit load (UL)...
Production control problem integrating overhaul and subcontracting strategies for a quality deteriorating manufacturing system
We study an unreliable deteriorating manufacturing system that produces conforming and...
Inventory models for deteriorating items with maximum lifetime under downstream partial trade credits to credit-risk customers by discounted cash-flow analysis
Getting loans from banks are almost impossible after 2008 global financial crisis. As...
The value of integrated tactical planning optimization in the lumber supply chain
This study investigates the integrated annual planning of harvesting, procurement,...
Supermodular covering knapsack polytope
The supermodular covering knapsack set is the discrete upper level set of a...
Value-at-risk optimal policies for revenue management problems
Consider a single‐leg dynamic revenue management problem with fare classes...
COBACABANA (Control of Balance by Card Based Navigation): An alternative to kanban in the pure flow shop?
Compares COBACABANA and kanban systems in a pure flow shop with high variability....
An integrated approach for demand forecasting and inventory management optimisation of spare parts
In this paper, we develop and test an advanced model, based on discrete‐event...
Dynamic optimal power flow control with simulation-based evolutionary policy-function approximation
In nowadays operations research, dynamic optimisation problems are a central and...
Genetic algorithm for supply chain modelling: basic concepts and applications
As a subfield of artificial intelligence, genetic algorithm (GA) was...
Retail shelf space allocation considering inventory replenishment
Shelf space allocation to products greatly impacts the profitability in a retail...
Single batch machine scheduling with deliveries
We consider the problem of scheduling a set of n jobs on a single batch machine, where...
Synchronization in hub terminals with the circular arrangement problem
Hub terminals are important entities in modern distribution networks and exist for any...
A note on the optimal pricing and production decisions with price-driven substitution
Recently, Kim and Bell () developed a revenue managemnent pricing model with...
Supply chain coordination based on return contracts with a threshold ordering quantity
Return contracts are commonly used by companies selling products with short life...
Single-machine common flow allowance scheduling with aging effect, resource allocation, and a rate-modifying activity
In this paper, we consider scheduling of deteriorating jobs on a single machine with...
Economic selection of process mean and lot-sizing decisions for multi-newsvendor supply chain
Two related problems are integrated in this paper, the first is the targeting problem...
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