Keyword: optimization: simulated annealing

Found 552 papers in total
Layout design for a paper reel warehouse: A two-stage heuristic approach
We consider a paper reel layout problem where different classes of paper reels need to...
Design of manufacturing systems by a hybrid approach with neural network metamodelling and stochastic local search
Metamodels are models of simulation models. Metamodels are able to estimate the...
Performance of simulated annealing-based heuristic for the unconstrained binary quadratic programming problem
The unconstrained binary quadratic programming problem (BQP) is known to be NP-hard...
Balancing of U-type assembly systems using simulated annealing
The paper presents a new simulated annealing (SA)-based algorithm for the assembly...
An efficient frontier approach to addressing just in time sequencing problems with setups via search heuristics
This research presents a technique to obtain production sequences where scheduling...
Design of bi-criteria kanban system using simulated annealing technique
In the kanban system, the main decision parameters are the number of kanbans and lot...
Local search heuristics for two-stage flow shop problems with secondary criterion
This paper develops and compares different local search heuristics for the two-stage...
Fast parallel heuristics for the job shop scheduling problem
The paper is dealing with parallelized versions of simulated annealing-based...
Search heuristics for operation sequencing in process planning
The operation-sequencing problem in process planning is considered to produce a part...
The noising methods: A generalization of some metaheuristics
In this paper, an exhaustive review of the principles and of the applications of the...
A robust global optimization method based on simulated annealing
A robust global optimization algorithm based on simulated annealing is proposed in...
A simulated annealing algorithm for multiobjective optimization
This paper describes a novel implementation of the Simulated Annealing algorithm...
Multidimensional scaling with restrictions using simulated annealing
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) with restriction on the configuration (MDSR) aims to...
Parameter estimation of INDSCAL models using simulated annealing
Parameter estimation of INDSCAL by CANDECOMP method has three disadvantages: finding...
A simulated annealing algorithm for dynamic layout problem
Increased level of volatility in today's manufacturing world demanded new approaches...
Simulated annealing for multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling
In this paper the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with multiple...
Using simulated annealing algorithms to solve time table problem
We propose a scheme to solve the Time Table Problem using Simulated Annealing...
Robust design of assembly and machining tolerance allocations
Tolerancing is one of the most important tasks in product and manufacturing process...
Linear sequencing for machine layouts by a modified simulated annealing method
Machine sequencing is an essential step towards the physical layout of machines as it...
Artificial intelligence search methods for multi-machine two-stage scheduling with due date penalty, inventory, and machining costs
This paper evaluates artificial intelligence search methods for multi-machine...
A revised simulated annealing algorithm for obtaining the minimum total tardiness in job shop scheduling problems
This paper applies a revised configuration generation mechanism of the Simulated...
Applications of genetic search and simulated annealing to the two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting stock problem
We applied a genetic algorithm and a simulated annealing approach to the...
Solving a multiple objective linear program using simulated annealing
Multiple Objective Linear Programs (MOLP) are often used in practice for managerial...
An empirical investigation of meta-heuristic and heuristic algorithms for a 2D packing problem
In this paper we consider the two-dimensional rectangular packing problem, where a...
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