Keyword: production

Found 1978 papers in total
(s, S) continuous review models for products with fixed lifetimes
We analyze an ( s , S ) continuous review perishable inventory system with a general...
Optimal variance structures and performance improvement of synchronous assembly lines
Contemporary management theories such as Just‐in‐Time and Total Quality...
An O(n2) algorithm for a controllable machine scheduling problem
A single-machine scheduling problem with controllable processing times is discussed in...
Cyclic scheduling in 3-machine robotic flow shops
We consider a robotic flow shop model in which a single robot is responsible for the...
An improved heuristic for the single-machine, weighted-tardiness problem
This research considers the single machine, total weighted-tardiness problem. We...
Swords into Plowshares: Nuclear weapon dismantlement, evaluation, and maintenance at Pantex
The end of the Cold War changed the missions of facilities in the US nuclear weapons...
The large Spanish industrial company: Strategic of the most competitive factories
The growing role played by production as a key strategic element for competitive...
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division–Brugge improves its lead-time and scheduling performance
Spicer Off-Highway Products Division (a division of Dana Corporation) asked us to...
Cellular manufacturing: A statistical review of the literature (1965–1995)
This paper is both an extension and an expansion of two earlier studies concerned with...
A stochastic assembly system with resume levels
In small-lot, multi-product and multi-level assembly systems, kitting (accumulating...
The impact of setup times on the performance of multiclass service and production systems
We characterize the impact of the means and distributions of setup times in polling...
Work-force management in automated assembly systems
While issues like off-line short-term scheduling, sequencing, real-time control and...
Optimal stopping in a burn-in model
Burn-in is a widely used procedure for screening out defective items in a production...
The stochastic learning curve: Optimal production in the presence of learning-curve uncertainty
Theoretical analyses incorporating production learning as typically deterministic...
Efficient methods for scheduling make-to-order assemblies under resource, assembly area and part availability constraints
We consider the problem of scheduling multiple, large-scale, make-to-order assemblies...
On the simultaneous optimization of server and work allocations in production line systems with variable processing times
The allocation of servers and the allocation of work are two important decision...
Conditional distributions of a vector process describing the bottleneck of a certain production and supply system
The paper defines the notion of a bottleneck in a certain production and supply system...
Course planning at Lufthansa Technical Training: Constructing more profitable schedules
Lufthansa Technical Training GmbH (LTT) runs training courses for Lufthansa Technik AG...
The service facility startup and capacity model and its application to the National Cranberry case
This paper provides formal modeling for and analytical aid to the startup and capacity...
Cooperative multiobjective decision support for the paper industry
We built and deployed a decision-support system for scheduling paper manufacturing and...
A production line that balances itself
In ‘bucket brigade’ manufacturing, such as recently introduced to the...
Empirical evaluation of exponential and independence assumptions in queueing models of manufacturing systems
This paper presents actual data (processing times, interarrival times,...
Simulation of capacity expansion and sequencing alternatives for a sheet metal producer
We present a simulation case study carried out for a make-to-order aluminium sheet...
Capacity optimization planning system (CAPS)
IBM's capacity optimization planning system (CAPS) is a decision-support system based...
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