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Keyword: heuristics
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Optimal bivariate clustering and a genetic algorithm with an application in cellular manufacturing
Rogers David F.
The problem of bivariate clustering for the simultaneous grouping of rows and columns...
A hybrid method combining continuous tabu search and Nelder–Mead simplex algorithms for the global optimization of multiminima functions
Chelouah Rachid
Tabu search (TS) is a metaheuristic, which proved efficient to solve various...
Tabu guided generalized hill climbing algorithms
Jacobson Sheldon H.
This paper formulates tabu search strategies that guide generalized hill climbing...
New approximation results for the maximum scatter traveling salesperson problem
Chiang Yi-Jen
We consider the following maximum scatter traveling salesperson problem (TSP): given...
Data structures and ejection chains for solving large-scale traveling salesman problems
Glover Fred
Data structures play a crucial role in the efficient implementation of local search...
A mixed genetic algorithm applied to the travelling salesman problem
Sun Yanfeng
In order to solve travelling salesman problem more satisfactorily, a mixed genetic...
Rare-event simulation of non-Markovian queueing networks using a state-dependent change of measure determined using cross-entropy
Boer Pieter-Tjerk de
A method is described for the efficient estimation of small overflow probabilities in...
Model structure analysis through graph theory: partition heuristics and feedback structure decomposition
Oliva Rogelio
The argument of this article is that it is possible to focus on the structural...
A generalized stock control formulation for stock management problems involving composite delays and secondary stocks
Yasarcan Hakan
It is well established in the system dynamics literature that if the stock management...
Order-batching heuristics based on cluster analysis in a low-level picker-to-part warehousing system
Hwang H.
This paper deals with the order-batching problem in low-level picker-to-part...
Budget allocation for steel bridge paint maintenance
Zayed Tarek M.
Government authorities are responsible for managing their available budget so that...
Determining location and size of medical departments in a hospital network: A multiobjective decision support approach
Heidenberger Kurt
Decisions on the location and size of medical departments in a given hospital network...
Economies of scale in empty freight car distribution in scheduled railways
Crainic Teodor Gabriel
In this paper, we consider empty freight car distribution in a scheduled railway...
Parallel tabu search heuristics for the dynamic multi-vehicle dial-a-ride problem
Laporte Gilbert
In the Dial-a-Ride problem (DARP) users specify transportation requests between...
Recyclable waste collection planning – a case study
Sousa Jorge Pinho de
This paper describes a study of planning vehicle routes for the collection of urban...
Solving the biobjective zero–one knapsack problem by an efficient linear programming-based heuristic
Ong Hoon Liong
In this paper, we propose a simple and useful method, the core of which is an...
The sequential sum problem and performance bounds on the greedy algorithm for the on-line Steiner problem
Miller Zevi
This article is motivated by versions of the dynamic or ‘on-line’ Steiner...
A branch-and-bound method for solving the problem of finding the min cut with size constraint in a graph
Maculan Nelson
A branch-and-bound method for solving the min cut with size constraint problem is...
Approximation algorithms for the design of SDH/SONET networks
Crama Yves
In this paper, a graph partitioning problem that arises in the design of SONET/SDH...
Heuristic and metaheuristic methods for computing graph treewidth
Carlier Jacques
The notion of treewidth is of considerable interest in relation to NP-hard problems....
The optimal and heuristic solutions of a distribution network
Wee H.M.
Competitive environment of global networking and customization call for cost reduction...
A GRASP (greedy randomized adaptive search procedure) and path relinking heuristic for rural road network development
Church Richard L.
This paper presents a model for rural road network design that involves two...
A hybrid approach to the multidimensional binary knapsack problem
Hao Jin-Kao
We present in this article, a hybrid approach for solving the 0–1...
Representation and management of multiobjective evolutionary algorithm populations based on graphs
Mateo P.M.
Until now, in the literature, little attention has been paid to the storage and...
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