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Keyword: heuristics
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A genetic scheduling methodology for virtual cellular manufacturing systems: an industrial application
Mak K.L.
Effective solutions to the cell formation and the production scheduling problems are...
A genetic algorithm-based approach to machine assignment problem
Chan F.T.S.
Over the last few decades, production scheduling problems have received much...
Heuristics for the N-product, M-stage, economic lot sizing and scheduling problem with dynamic demand
Boctor F.F.
This paper presents a new composite heuristics approach for solving the N -product, M...
Flowshop-scheduling problems with makespan criterion: a review
Hejazi S. Reza
This paper is a complete survey of flowshop-scheduling problems and contributions from...
Flexible job shop scheduling based on Petri-net model: Ant colony optimization and genetic algorithm hierarchical evolutionary optimization approach
Wu Tiejun
A controlled timed Petri-net was used to model discrete events in flexible production...
A model for shelf space allocation and inventory control considering location and inventory level effects on demand
Hwang Hark-Chin
Shelf on which products are being displayed is one of the most important resources in...
Solving the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands using the cross-entropy method
Homem-de-Mello Tito
An alternate formulation of the classical vehicle routing problem with stochastic...
Particle swarm optimization for vehicle routing problem with time windows
Sun Debao
This paper introduces a proposal to extend the heuristic called Particle Swarm...
Using information on unconstrained student demand to improve university course schedules
Thompson G.M.
We examine how using information on unconstrained demand can improve operational...
A column generation approach for solving a non-temporal forest harvest model with spatial structure constraints
Constantino Miguel
We present an integer programming model for a non-temporal forest harvest problem with...
Allocation of stands and cutting patterns to logging crews using a tabu search heuristic
Murphy Glen
An algorithm that combines tabu search principles with a simple improvement-swapping...
An optimization model for balanced loading problems
Lei Dingyou
Based on railway transportation, a mathematical model is presented with multiple...
A multi-objective evolutionary programming approach to the ‘object location’ spatial analysis and optimisation problem within the urban water management domain
Butler D.
Evolutionary programming (EP) is an application of the concepts of Darwinian evolution...
Genetic algorithm for optimal operating policy of a multipurpose reservoir
Ahmed Juran Ali
This paper presents a Genetic Algorithm (GA) model for finding the optimal operating...
A list-based compact representation for large decision tables management
Bielza C.
Due to the huge size of the tables we manage when dealing with real decision-making...
Mathematical models and a constructive heuristic for finding minimum fundamental cycle bases
Maculan Nelson
The problem of finding a fundamental cycle basis with minimum total cost in a graph...
Importance sampling simulations of Markovian reliability systems using cross-entropy
Ridder Ad
This paper reports simulation experiments, applying the cross entropy method such as...
Heuristic method for a mixed capacitated arc routing problem: A refuse collection application
Amado Lgia
The capacitated arc routing problem (CARP) is known to be NP-hard. The aim of this...
A tutorial in the cross-entropy method
Rubinstein Reuven Y.
The cross-entropy (CE) method is a new generic approach to combinatorial and...
Application of the cross-entropy method to the buffer allocation problem in a simulation-based environment
Rubinstein Reuven Y.
The buffer allocation problem (BAP) is a well-known difficult problem in the design of...
On the convergence of the cross-entropy method
Margolin L.
The cross-entropy method is a relatively new method for combinatorial optimization....
A state-of-the-art report on global optimisation methodology
Siarry Patrick
We present a review of the main “global optimization” methods. The paper...
The extended concentric tabu for the quadratic assignment problem
Drezner Zvi
In this paper we propose to extend the concentric tabu search for the quadratic...
Colony location algorithm for assignment problems
Wang Dingwei
A novel algorithm called Colony Location Algorithm (CLA) is proposed. It mimics the...
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