Journal: SIAM Journal On Control and Optimization

Found 20 papers in total
Linear programming formulation for optimal stopping problems
Optimal stopping problems for continuous time Markov processes are shown to be...
Robust control via sequential semidefinite programming
This paper discusses nonlinear optimization techniques in robust control synthesis,...
Zero-sum semi-Markov games
This paper deals with Borel state and action spaces zero-sum semi-Markov games under...
Solution of a functional equation arising in continuous games: A dynamic programming approach
This paper deals with a functional equation in a zero-sum continuous game. The...
Optimal consumption and portfolio with both fixed and proportional transaction costs
We consider a market model with one risk-free and one risky asset, in which the...
Control of polling in presence of vacations in heavy traffic with applications to satellite and mobile radio systems
Consider a queueing system with many queues, each with its own input stream, but with...
Diffusion approximation for head-of-the-line processor sharing for two parallel queues
In this paper, the steady-state behavior of two parallel M/M/1 queues under the...
A finite capacity PS queue which models switching times
A processor-sharing queue is considered that has a finite capacity of jobs and a...
On the transient behavior of the Erlang loss model: Heavy usage asymptotics
The Erlang loss model, which is the M/M/m/m queue is considered. Asymptotic expansions...
Optimization of queues using an infinitesimal perturbation analysis-based stochastic algorithm with general update times
Convergence (with probability one) of a stochastic optimization algorithm for a single...
The four-block model matching problem in L1 and infinite-dimensional linear programming
The purpose of this work is fourfold. First the reader is introduced to the present...
Service-adaptive multitype repairman problems
The classical ‘repairman problem’ is generalized to consider r...
Dynamic programming by exchangeability
This article introduces the concept of exchangeable stopping time and a technique of...
As fast parametric maximum flow algorithm and applications
The classical maximum flow problem sometimes occurs in settings in which the arc...
Note on Weintraub’s minimum-cost circulation algorithm
In 1974 Weintraub published an algorithm for the minimum-cost circulation problems...
Algorithms for packing squares: A probabilistic analysis
This paper gives a probabilistic performance analysis of simple algorithms for packing...
Algorithms and data structures for an expanded family of matroid intersection problems
Consider a matroid or rank n in which each element has a real-valued cost and one of d...
Worst-case growth rates of some classical problems of combinatorial optimization
A method is presented for determining the asymptotic worst-case behavior of quantities...
Scheduling precedence graphs in systems with interprocessor communication times
The problem of nonpreemptively scheduling a set of m partially ordered tasks on n...
Minimizing schedule length subject to minimum flow time
The problem of scheduling n independent tasks on m ≥1 identical processors, with...
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