Journal: Silva Fennica

Found 31 papers in total
Possibilities to aggregate raster cells through spatial optimization in forest planning
This study divided the forest into raster cells and used these cells as calculation...
Application of ant colony optimization for the risk management of wind damage in forest planning
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is still quite a new technique and seldom used in the...
Application of ant colony optimization for the risk management of wind damage in forest planning
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is still quite a new technique and seldom used in the...
Possibilities to aggregate raster cells through spatial optimization in forest planning
This study divided the forest into raster cells and used these cells as calculation...
Neural networks for predicting fracture toughness of individual wood samples
Strain energy release rate (G Ic ) of Pinus radiata in the TL opening mode was...
A new heuristic method for solving spatially constrained forest planning problems based on mitigation of infeasibilities radiating outward from a forced choice
A new heuristic method to mitigate infeasibilities when a choice is forced into a...
Three mathematical models for bucking-to-order
The aim of this paper is to investigate different mathematical approaches to...
Scheduling forest road maintenance using the analytic hierarchy process and heuristics
The management of low-volume roads has transitioned from focusing on maintenance...
Optimizing the supply chain strategy of a multi-unit Finnish nursery company
This paper introduces a capacitated mixed integer programming (CMIP) model for solving...
A comparison of one- and two-compartment neighbourhoods in heuristic search with spatial forest management goals
This study presents a comparison of the performance of four heuristic techniques with...
Cost-effective measures for diffuse load abatement in forestry
This paper theoretically and empirically analyzes the design of cost-effective diffuse...
Height–diameter models for Scots pine and birch in Finland
Height–Diameter (H–D) models for two shade-intolerant tree species were...
Examining the performance of six heuristic optimisation techniques in different forest planning problems
The existence of multiple decision-makers and goals, spatial and non-linear forest...
Comparison of harvester work in forest and simulator environments
Harvester simulators offer a safe and cost-saving method for studying the basics of...
Finnish sawlog market under forest taxation reform
The stepwise transition in forest taxation from site productivity tax to taxation of...
Multilevel modelling of height growth in young Norway spruce plantations in southern Finland
Height development of Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) transplants was studied...
Optimizing the supply chain strategy of a multi-unit Finnish nursery company
This paper introduces a capacitated mixed integer programming (CMIP) model for solving...
Comparing simulation methods for modelling the errors of stand inventory data
Forest management planning requires information about the uncertainty inherent in the...
Enhanced possibilities for analyzing tree structure as provided by an interface between different modelling systems
In recent years, many different advanced mathematical models and simulation systems...
Locally adaptable non-parametric methods for estimating stand characteristics for wood procurement planning
The purpose of this study was to examine the use of the local adaptation of the...
Challenges and opportunities of the optimality approach in plant ecology
A meeting was held in Hyytiälä, Finland 10–12 April 2000 to assess...
Comparison of an optimal stomatal regulation model and a biochemical model in explaining CO2 exchange in field conditions
Gas exchange of Pinus sylvestris L. was studied in subarctic field conditions. Aspects...
Optimal stomatal control in relation to leaf area and nitrogen content
We introduce the simulataneous optimisation of water-use efficiency and nitrogen-use...
The mathematics of linked optimisation for water and nitrogen use in a canopy
We develop, and discuss the implementation of, a mathematical framework for inferring...
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