Journal: Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis

Found 244 papers in total
The theory of networks of single server queues and the tandem queue model
We consider the stochastic behavior of networks of single server queues when...
Two parallel finite queues with simultaneous services and Markovian arrivals
In this paper, we consider a finite capacity single server queueing model with two...
The MAP, M/G1, G2/1 queue with preemptive priority
We consider the MAP, M/G 1 , G 2 /1 queue with preemptive resume priority, where low...
Queueing systems with renovation
We study in this paper single channel queueing systems with renovation. Such models...
EXP for Windows, version 5.0 – a software review
EXP for Windows, Version 5.0, is reviewed.
A hidden Markov model for an inventory system with perishable items
This paper deals with a parametric multi-period integer-valued inventory model for...
On applications of excess level processes to (N,D)-policy bulk queueing systems
The paper referred to [ JAMSA 9:4 (1996), 551–562] contained several...
Mark Alexandrovich Krasnosel'skii (April 27, 1920–February 13, 1997)
On February 13, 1997, the world famous mathematician, Mark Alexandrovich...
Random vector variational inequalities and random noncooperative vector equilibrium
In this paper, we prove some existence theorems for random vector variational...
The failure rate in reliability. Numerical treatment
This paper contains approximations and bounds of failure rate functions of redundant...
On the variance of the number of the number of real zeros of a random trigonometric polynomial
The asymptotic estimate of the expected number of real zeros of the polynomial...
Mean number of real zeros of a random trigonometric polynomial IV
If are independent, normally distributed random variables with mean 0 and variance 1,...
Limiting behavior of the perturbed empirical distribution functions evaluated at U-statistics for strongly mixing sequences of random variables
The authors prove the almost sure representation, a law of the iterated logarithm and...
Dobrushin’s approach to queueing network theory
R.L. Dobrushin (1929-1995) made substantial contributions to Queing Network Theory...
On applications of excess level processes to (N,D)-policy bulk queueing systems
The paper deals with queueing systems in which N- and D-policies are combined into...
Sojourn times
Let { ω(u),u≥0} be a stochastic process with state space AℝB where A and...
Descriptors for point processses based on runs: The Markovian arrival process
This paper is part of a broader investigation of properties of a point process that...
The structure distribution in a mixed poisson process
The authors use a variety of real inversion formulas to derive the structure...
The failure rate in reliability: Approximations and bounds
The authors consider models typical to the area of reliability, and a failure rate...
Balls left empty by a critical branching Wiener process
At time t=0 we have a Poisson random field on ℝ’ d. Each particle executes...
Remarks on the life and research of Ronald Dobrushin
The life and research work of Professor R.L. Dorbrshin (1929-1995) had a profound...
On the regularity of many-particle dynamical systems perturbed by white noise
The paper considers a system of finite number of particles that ar moving in R d under...
Ito’s formula with respect to fractional Brownian motion and its application
Fractional Brownian motion (FBM) with Hurst index 1/2< H<1 is not a...
Popoulation-size-dependent branching processes
In a recent paper a coupling method was used to show that if population size, or more...
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