Journal: Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis

Found 244 papers in total
Remembering Wim Cohen
This article is a short biographical account on deceased Jacob Willem Cohen.
Linear-implicit strong schemes for Itô–Galerkin approximations of parabolic stochastic partial differential equations
Linear-implicit versions of strong Taylor numerical schemes for finite dimensional...
Waiting time analysis for MX/G/1 priority queues with/without vacations under random order of service discipline
We study M X /G/1 nonpreemptive and preemptive-resume priority queues with/without...
On finite capacity queueing systems with a general vacation policy
We consider a Poisson arrival queueing system with finite capacity and a general...
Complex-analytic and matrix-analytic solutions for a queueing system with group service controlled by arrivals
A bulk M/G/1 system is considered that responds to large increases (decreases) of the...
Single server queueing networks with varying service times and renewal input
Using recent results in tandem queues and queueing networks with renewal input, when...
Parallelization algorithms for modeling ARM processes
AutoRegressive Modular (ARM) processes are a new class of nonlinear stochastic...
A model for a dynamic preventive maintenance policy
This paper exhibits a stochastic model which describes the evolution of a material...
On filtering over Îto–Volterra observations
In this paper, the Kalman–Bucy filter is designed for an...
Topics in random polynomials
Quasi-Feller Markov chains
We consider the class of Markov kernels for which the weak or strong Feller property...
Essentials of Stochastic Finance
Random mappings with a single absorbing center and combinatorics of discretizations of the logistic mapping
Distributions of basic characteristics of random mappings with a single absorbing...
Exact solution of the Bellman equation for a β-discounted reward in a two-armed bandit with switching arms
We consider the symmetric Poissonian two-armed bandit problem. For the case of...
Robust option replication for a Black–Scholes model extended with nondeterministic trends
Statistical analysis on various stocks reveals long range dependence behavior of the...
A queueing system with queue length dependent service times, with applications to cell discarding in ATM networks
A queueing system (M/G 1 , G 2 /1/K) is considered in which the service time of a...
An Mx/GI/1/N queue with close-down and vacation times
An M x /GI/1/ N finite capacity queue with close-down time, vacation time and...
Linear filtering with fractional Brownian motion in the signal and observation processes
Integral equations for the mean-square estimate are obtained for the linear filtering...
A stochastic inventory model with perishable and ageing items
In this paper, we propose a single-product, discrete time inventory model for...
Self-similar processes in collective risk theory
Collective risk theory is concerned with random fluctuations of the total assets and...
Analysis of the asymmetrical shortest two-server queueing model
This study presents the analytic solution for an asymmetrical two-server queueing...
The stationary G/G/s queue with non-identical servers
We extend a recently developed factorization method to the case of the G/G/s queue...
On the approximation of an integral by a sum of random variables
We approximate the integral of a smooth function of [0, 1], where values are only...
A system of functional-differential equations associated with the optimal detection problem for jump-times of a Poisson process
The value function in the optimal detection problem for jump-times of a Poisson...
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