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Journal: Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan
541 papers
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A path-exchange-type local search algorithm for vehicle routing and its efficient search strategy
Imai Hiroshi
This paper proposes a fast path-exchange-type local search algorithm for vehicle...
Iterative methods for approximation of fixed points and their applications
Takahashi Wataru
In this article, we deal with iterative methods for approximation of fixed points and...
A concave maximization problem with double layers of constraints on the total amount of resources
Iida Koji
This paper investigates a kind of resource allocation problem which maximizes a...
Optimization in control system design
Wakasa Yuji
This paper reviews i) the background for the modern H ∞ control theory, and then...
Weight of shortest path analyses for the optimal location problem
Oyama Tatsuo
In this paper we consider the shortest path counting problem ( SPCP ): how many...
Mean-absolute deviation portfolio optimization model under transaction costs
Konno Hiroshi
We will propose a branch and bound algorithm for solving a portfolio optimization...
Some results on a Bayesian sequential scheduling on two identical parallel processors
Tamaki Mitsushi
Suppose that there are two types J 0 of m jobs and J 1 of n jobs, which are processed...
Optimal sequential backup strategy under constrained resources
Hamada Toshio
When we construct a program by using a computer, we sometimes interrupt to work and...
On M/G/1 queues with the first N customers of each busy period receiving exceptional services
Baba Yutaka
This paper studies generalized M/G/ 1 queues in which the first N customers of each...
Characteristics on stochastic data envelopment analysis efficiency – Reliability and probability being efficient
Morita Hiroshi
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a useful non-parametric method to evaluate a...
Piecewise pseudo estimation for NHPP using data in the adjacent intervals
Funaki Kenichi
In modeling a system with NHPP, we generally need to estimate the parameters of its...
A large-scale analytic hierarchy process including incomplete information and multiple evaluators and its application to personnel administration evaluation system
Sekitani Kazuyuki
The conventional AHP supposes that several objects are completely compared by a single...
Cumulative damage model with two kinds of shocks and its application to the backup policy
Nakagawa Toshio
This paper considers an extended cumulative damage model with two kinds of shocks: one...
Analysis of multiclass M/G/1 queues with a mixture of 1-limited disciplines and gated disciplines
Hirayama Tetsuji
In this paper, we consider single server queues with several groups and several...
Local solutions of surveillance routing problem by partitioning the objective ships
Mori Masao
Surveillance operation is performed, along a given standard route, in order to confirm...
On simple games with permission of voters
Yamazaki Akira
In this paper, treating flexible voters in voting situations, we examine the...
Infinite-series representations of Laplace transforms of probability density functions for numerical inversion
Whitt Ward
In order to numerically invert Laplace transforms to calculate probability density...
Single-machine scheduling with mixed precedence constraints
Levner Eugene
The paper deals with a single machine scheduling problem involving a general...
Non-discounted optimal policies in controlled Markov set-chains
Masanori Hosaka
This paper develops interval techniques for studying non-homogeneous Markov decision...
Maximin location of convex objects in a polygon and related dynamic Voronoi diagrams
Tokuyama Takeshi
This paper considers the maximin placement of a convex polygon P inside a polygon Q ,...
A minimax distribution free procedure for stochastic inventory models with a random backorder rate
Ouyang Liang-Yuh
The stochastic inventory models analyzed in this paper involve two models: continuous...
Optimal search for a moving target with no time information maximizing the expected reward
Iida Koji
This paper investigates a search problem for a moving target on a network in which any...
Numerical solution technique for joint chance-constrained programming problem – an application to electric power capacity expansion
Shiina Takayuki
We consider a joint chance-constrained linear programming problem with random right...
Dependent-chance integer programming applied to capital budgeting
Iwamura Kakuzo
This paper attempts to model capital budgeting problems by a new technique of...
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