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Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
7937 papers
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Reducing passenger boarding time in airplanes: A simulation based approach
Landeghem H. Van
The increase in air travel puts tremendous strain on existing airport facilities, so...
Three-person multi-objective conflict decision in reservoir flood control
Cheng Chuntian
Reservoir flood control decisions are often compromised by various parties with...
A model for conjunctive use of ground and surface water with opportunity costs
Azaiez M.N.
In this study, we develop a multi-stage decision model for the conjunctive use of...
Application of heuristic methods for conformance test selection
Csndes Tibor
In this paper we focus on the test selection problem. It is modeled after a real-life...
Evaluating correct classification probability for weighted voting classifiers with plurality voting
Levitin Gregory
Weighted voting classifiers (WVCs) consist of N units that each provide individual...
Pseudo-criteria versus linear utility function in stochastic multi-criteria acceptability analysis
Salminen Pekka
Stochastic multi-criteria acceptability analysis (SMAA) is a multi-criteria decision...
Multiobjective symmetric duality involving cones
Suneja S.K.
In this paper, a pair of multiobjective symmetric dual programs over arbitrary cones...
The costs and benefits of commonality in assemble-to-order systems with a (Q,r)-policy for component replenishment
Hillier Mark S.
In assemble-to-order systems, it has been shown that replacing a number of specific...
Constructing a quasi-concave quadratic objective function from interviewing a decision maker
Tangian A.S.
A model for constructing quadratic objective functions (=utility functions) from...
Calculating can-order policies for the joint replenishment problem by the compensation approach
Melchiors Philip
In this paper we consider the stochastic joint replenishment problem. We coordinate...
A production planning model for an unreliable production facility: Case of finite horizon and single demand
Elhafsi Mohsen
We study a two-level inventory system that is subject to failures and repairs. The...
Quality improvement and setup reduction in the joint economic lot size model
Nasri Farrokh
The co-maker concept has become accepted practice in many successful global business...
A single-vendor and multiple-buyers production–inventory policy for a deteriorating item
Wee H.M.
This study develops a single-vendor, multi-buyers production–inventory policy...
A buyer–seller game model for selection and negotiation of purchasing bids
Talluri Srinivas
Selection and negotiation of purchasing bids is a complex decision making process that...
A greedy randomized adaptive search procedure heuristic for the mixed Chinese postman problem
Corbern A.
Arc routing problems consist of finding a traversal on a graph satisfying some...
On approximation of max-vertex-cover
Ye Yinyu
We consider the max-vertex-cover (MVC) problem, i.e., find k vertices from an...
Enumeration of Pareto optimal multi-criteria spanning trees – a proof of the incorrectness of Zhou and Gen's proposed algorithm
Knowles Joshua D.
The minimum spanning tree (MST) problem is a well-known optimization problem of major...
Solving large-scale maximum expected covering location problems by genetic algorithms: A comparative study
Saydam Cem
This paper compares the performance of genetic algorithms (GAs) on large-scale maximum...
Obnoxious-facility location and data-envelopment analysis: A combined distance-based formulation
Chan Yupo
We have broadened the classic anti-center models to include generalized-distance...
Solving the multiple competitive facilities location problem
Salhi Said
In this paper we propose five heuristic procedures for the solution of the multiple...
Locating a waste treatment facility by using stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis with ordinal criteria
Salminen Pekka
In this paper we describe a real-life application of an ordinal multicriteria method...
Performance analysis and optimization of web proxy servers and mirror sites
Gautam N.
In this paper, web proxy servers and mirror sites that cache either partial or...
The maximum capture problem with random utilities: Problem formulation and algorithms
Hansen Pierre
A model for the optimal location of new facilities in a competitive market is...
Diversification strategies in local search for a nonbifurcated network loading problem
Potvin Jean-Yves
This paper examines a variant of the network loading problem, a network design problem...
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