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Journal: Decision Support Systems
1062 papers
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Scanning World Wide Web documents with the vector space model
Koehler Gary J.
The vector space model used in Information Retrieval is combined with discriminant...
Real time statistical process advisor for effective quality control
Chakraborty Shankar
An advisory decision support system has been presented in this paper. This system...
Building a scientific knowledge web portal: The NanoPort experience
Chen Hsinchun
There has been a tremendous growth in the amount of information and resources on the...
A geographic information systems supported Ant algorithm for the linear feature covering problem with distance constraints
Huang Bo
This paper analyzes a linear feature covering problem (LFCP) with distance...
Performance analysis of filtering software using Signal Detection Theory
Rajagopalan Balaji
Software filters are increasingly being touted as a solution to restrict access to...
Bidding in sealed-bid and English multi-attribute auctions
Kraus Sarit
In this paper we consider an extension of the traditional auction mechanism, the...
Determinants of escrow service adoption in consumer-to-consumer online auction market: An experimental study
Antony Solomon
Risk relief services (RRSs), as complementary to online trust promoting services, are...
Towards a holistic perspective of customer relationship management implementation: A case study of the Housing and Development Board, Singapore
Teo Thompson S.H.
Organizations have increasingly recognized the importance of managing customer...
Consensus-based intelligent group decision-making model for the selection of advanced technology
Tiwari M.K.
Consensus forming is a critical process in the present day computer assisted group...
Understanding and attenuating decision bias in the use of model advice and other relevant information
Jones Donald R.
A human judge faced with model advice, modeled information (used by the model to...
Intelligent agent supported personalization for virtual learning environments
Wang Huaiqing
Virtual learning environments (VLEs) are computer-based online learning environments,...
Profile distance method – a multi-attribute decision making approach for information system investments
Stix Volker
This article addresses the area of decision making for information systems (IS). We...
MAPP – A web-based decision support system for the mould industry
Silva C.
This paper describes the MAPP, ‘Mould: Assistant Production Planner’, a...
A hybrid model by clustering and evolving fuzzy rules for sales decision supports in printed circuit board industry
Chang Pei-Chann
This research develops a hybrid model by integrating Self Organization Map (SOM)...
Identifying issues in customer relationship management at Merck–Medco
Torkzadeh Gholamreza
This paper reports the results of a study designed in close collaboration with...
A hybrid system by evolving case-based reasoning with genetic algorithm in wholesaler's returning book forecasting
Chang Pei-Chann
A hybrid system by evolving a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system with a Genetic...
The concept of document warehousing for multi-dimensional modeling of textual-based business intelligence
Tseng Frank S.C.
During the past decade, data warehousing has been widely adopted in the business...
Comprehensive data warehouse exploration with qualified association-rule mining
Juki Nenad
Data warehouses store data that explicitly and implicitly reflect customer patterns...
Constraint-based sequential pattern mining: The consideration of recency and compactness
Chen Yen-Liang
Sequential pattern mining is an important data-mining method for determining...
Incorporating sequential information into traditional classification models by using an element/position-sensitive sequence-alignment method
Poel Dirk Van den
The inability to capture sequential patterns is a typical drawback of predictive...
The impact of intelligent decision support systems on intellectual task success: An empirical investigation
Moreau liane M.-F.
The purpose of this research was to analyze the impacts of intelligent decision...
Examining the coalition dynamics affecting information systems project abandonment decision-making
Pan Shan L.
Despite recent reports that suggest growing evidence of a higher rate of information...
A new approach to classification based on association rule mining
Liu Hongyan
Classification is one of the key issues in the fields of decision sciences and...
Using fuzzy decision making for the evaluation of the project management internal efficiency
Kablan M.M.
Specific applications of fuzzy logic in project management are relatively few in...
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