Journal: Communications in Statistics - Stochastic Models

Found 166 papers in total
Estimation methods for delays in non-regenerative discrete-event systems
Many long-run delay characteristics of computer, communication, manufacturing, and...
On block skip free transition matrices and first passage times
Starting from an abstract setting which extends the property ‘skip free to the...
A fixed point approach to the classification of Markov chains with a tree structure
In this paper, we study the classsification problem of discrete time and continuous...
β-invariant measures for transition matrices of GI/M/1 type
In this paper, we study transition matrices of GI/M/ 1 type by using the approach...
A new type of discrete self-decomposability and its application to continuous-time Markov processes for modeling count data time series
We propose a family of extended thinning operators, indexed by a parameter γ in...
Perturbed Markov processes
A Markov process in discrete time is perturbed by a small parameter. A perturbation...
Empirical testing of the infinite source Poisson data traffic model
The infinite source Poisson model is a fluid queue approximation of network data...
Matrix-exponential distributions: Calculus and interpretations via flows
By considering randomly stopped deterministic flow models, we develop an intuitively...
Robust positioning of service units
In this paper, we address the problem of locating mobile service units to cover random...
Extension of Dale's moment conditions with application to the Wright–Fisher model
Dale's necessary and sufficient conditions for an array to contain the joint moments...
Polling systems with simultaneous batch arrivals
We study the delay in polling systems with simultaneous batch arrivals. Arrival epochs...
Stability in queues with impatient customers
This paper deals with GI/G/1 queueing systems with impatient customers that have...
ARMA models realization and impulse responses
A parallel is made between the role played by covariances in the determination of...
Stationarity of delayed subordinators
It is shown that, analogous to partial-sum processes in renewal theory, nondecreasing...
Stability and performance of stack algorithms for random access communication modeled as a tree structured quasi birth–death Markov chain
In this paper, we introduce an analytical model to study the stability and the main...
A linear programming approach to the steady-state analysis of reflected Brownian motion
We investigate a computational method proposed by Bertsimas, Paschalidis, and...
Markov chains satisfying simple drift conditions for subgeometric ergodicity
This paper is concerned with ergodic Markov chains satisfying a sequence of drift...
Small and pseudo-small sets for Markov chains
In this paper we examine the relationship between small sets and their generalisation,...
Norton's theorem for batch routing queueing networks
This paper shows that the aggregation and decomposition results known as Norton's...
Sojourn times in non-homogeneous quasi birth–death processes with processor sharing
We study sojourn times of customers in a processor sharing queue with a service rate...
Decompositions of the queue length distributions in the MAP/G/1 queue under multiple and single vacations with N-policy
In this paper, we establish an explicit form of matrix decompositions for the queue...
Computation of steady-state probabilities for resource-sharing call-center queueing systems
Two routing rules for a queueing system of two stations are considered as alternative...
Steady-state probabilities in a quasi-birth-and-death process with a countable number of phases
A sufficient condition is proved for geometric decay of the steady-state probabilities...
First-exit times for Poisson shot noise
For a shot-noise process X(t) with Poisson arrival times and exponentially diminishing...
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