Journal: International Journal of Game Theory

Found 538 papers in total
N-Person stochastic games with upper semi-continuous payoffs
Every n -person stochastic game with a countable state space, finite action sets for...
On bargaining partner selection when communication is restricted
This paper analyzes the optimal selection of a bargaining partner when communication...
An epistemic analysis of the Harsanyi transformation
Harsanyi proposed a method for transforming uncertainty over the strategy sets of...
Best response dynamics for role games
In a role game, players can condition their strategies on their player position in the...
Generalized genus sequences for misère octal games
Two approaches have been used to solve impartial games with misère play; genus...
Maximal stable sets of two-player games
If a connected component of perfect equilibria of a two-player game contains a stable...
Sharing the cost of a network: Core and core allocations
This paper discusses the core of the game corresponding to the standard fixed tree...
On linear consistency of anonymous values for TU-games
In the framework of values for TU-games, it is shown that a particular type of...
The generation of formulas held in common knowledge
Common knowledge of a finite set of formulas implies a special relationship between...
Flexibility of disagreement actions in negotiations
Negotiation games in which two players engage in disagreement games to determine their...
Repeated communication through the mechanism ‘and’
We consider the ‘and’ communication device that receives inputs from two...
A value for mixed action-set games
We extend the Aumann–Shapley value to mixed action-set games, i.e., multilevel...
On the computation of the nucleolus of a cooperative game
We consider classes of cooperative games. We show that we can efficiently compute an...
On the NP-completeness of finding an optimal strategy in games with common payoffs
Consider a very simple class of (finite) games: after an initial move by nature, each...
Almost global convergence to p-dominant equilibrium
A population of players repeatedly plays an n strategy symmetric game. Players update...
The semireactive bargaining set of a cooperative game
The semireactive bargaining set, a solution for cooperative games, is introduced. This...
On the existence of a cooperative solution for a coalitional game with externalities
This paper analyzes a game in coalitional form that is derived from a simple economy...
On the set of Lorenz-maximal imputations in the core of a balanced game
This paper considers the set of Lorenz-maximal imputations in the core of a balanced...
An axiomatization of the modified Banzhaf–Coleman index
In this paper we provide a characterization for the modified Banzhaf–Coleman...
Assignment games with stable core
We prove that the core of an assignment game (a two-sided matching game with...
Egalitarian solutions in the core
In this paper we define the Lorenz stable set, a subset of the core consisting of the...
The consistency principle and an axiomatization of the α-core
This paper examines the α-core of strategic games by means of the consistency...
Inferior players in simple games
Power indices like those of Shapley and Shubik or Banzhaf measure the distribution of...
3-player repeated games with lack of information on one side
We study the existence of uniform equilibria for three-player repeated games with lack...
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