Journal: Queueing Systems

Found 762 papers in total
A stability criterion via fluid limits and its application to a polling system
We introduce a generalized criterion for the stability of Markovian queueing systems...
Ergodicity of a polling network with an infinite number of stations
A Markov polling system with infinitely many stations is studied. The topic is the...
Window flow control in FIFO networks with cross traffic
We focus on window flow control as used in packet-switched communication networks. The...
Overflow and loss probabilities in a finite ATM buffer fed by self-similar traffic
Real-time measurements from LANs, variable-bit-rate video sources, ISDN...
Tails of waiting times and their bounds
Tails of distributions having the form of the geometric convolution are considered. In...
Recurrence and transience properties of some neural networks: An approach via fluid limit models
The subject of the paper is the stability analysis of some neural networks consisting...
On the optimal control of arrivals to a single queue with arbitrary feedback delay
We consider a problem of admission control to a single queue in discrete time. The...
Extreme and high-level sojourns of the single server queue in heavy traffic
This study characterizes the behavior of large queue lengths in heavy traffic. We show...
Parallel simulation by multi-instruction, longest-path algorithms
This paper presents several basic algorithms for the parallel simulation G / G /1...
Two finite-difference methods for solving MAP(t)/PH(t)/1/K queueing models
In this paper two solution methods to the MAP ( t )/ PH ( t )/1/ K queueing model are...
Admission control of multi-class traffic with service priorities in high-speed networks
We consider a fluid model of a system that handles multiple classes of traffic. The...
Fluid approximations for a processor-sharing queue
In this paper a fluid approximation, also known as a functional strong law of large...
Generalized model with repeated calls in case of extreme load
Recurrence formulae for finding any desired number of terms in the asymptotic...
Analysis of a single server queue with semi-Markovian service interruption
In this paper we analyze a discrete-time single server queue where the service time...
The tightness in the ergodic analysis of regenerative queueing processes
The tightness of some queueing stochastic processes is proved and its role in an...
Stability of two families of queueing networks and a discussion of fluid limits
We investigate the stability of two families of queueing networks. The first family...
On the guaranteed throughput and efficiency of closed re-entrant lines
A closed network is said to be ‘guaranteed efficient’ if the throughput...
Bounding blocking probabilities and throughput in queueing networks with buffer capacity constraints
We propose a new technique for upper and lower bounding of the throughput and blocking...
Heavy traffic analysis of controlled multiplexing systems
The paper develops the mathematics of the heavy traffic approach to the control and...
A Skorokhod Problem formulation and large deviation analysis of a processor sharing model
Generalized processor sharing has been proposed as a policy for distributing...
Heavy traffic approximations of large deviations of feedforward queueing networks
We consider a multi-class feedforward queueing network with first come first serve...
A critically loaded multirate link with trunk reservation
We consider a loss system model of interest in telecommunications. There is a single...
On the departure process of a leaky bucket system with long-range dependent input traffic
Due to the strong experimental evidence that the traffic to be offered to future...
Macroscopic models for long-range dependent network traffic
A common way to inject long-range dependence in a stochastic traffic model possessing...
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