Journal: Mathematical Programming

Found 797 papers in total
Algorithm for generalized fractional programming
A generalized fractional programming problem is specified as a nonlinear program where...
Multi-stage stochastic optimization applied to energy planning
This paper presents a methodology for the solution of multistage stochastic...
The equipartition polytope. I: Formulations, dimension and basic facets
The following basic clustering problem arises in different domains, ranging from...
The equipartition polytope. II: Valid inequalities and facets
The equipartition problem is defined as follows: given a graph G= ( V, e ) and edge...
Optimal schedule for cancer chemotherapy
In this paper the authors consider the problems of modeling the tumor growth and...
Using Gale transforms in computational geometry
Let P denote a set of points in d - space . A Gale transform of P assigns to each...
On area-efficient drawings of rectangular duals for VLSI floor-plan
In this paper, the authors consider a problem to seek a rectangular dual D and its...
Optimization with unary functions
Most nonlinear programming problems consist of functions which are sums of unary...
Utilization of mathematical programming for public systems: An application of effective formation of integrated regional information networks
This paper concerns a methodological reflection on the multiobjective approach to...
Optimization of pipe networks
The paper treats a piping system, where the layout of the network is given but the...
Branch and bound with estimation based on pseudo-shadow-prices
During a branch and bound search of an integer programme, variables may be declared...
Application of Sequential Quadratic Programming software program to an actual problem
The authors produced a nonlinear optimization software program which is based on a...
Approximate formulas of average distances associated with regions and their applications to location problems
This study is concerned with the problem of measuring average distances between two...
Sequential location-allocation of public facilities in one- and two-dimensional space: Comparison of several policies
The present paper examines the sequential location-allocation problems of public...
Uneven distribution of ventilation-perfusion ratios in lungs estimated by a modified Newton method
The uneven distribution of ventilation-perfusion ratios ( cV A / cQ) is diseased lungs...
The influence curve approach in data envelopment analysis
The behavior of efficiency in the stochastic DEA model is examined here in terms of...
A practical anti-cycling procedure for linearly constrained optimization
A procedure is described for preventing cycling in active-set mehods for linearly...
New crash procedures for large systems of linear constraints
Many algorithms for solving linearly constrained optimization problems maintain sets...
On the limited memory BFGS method for large scale optimization
The authors study the numerical performance of a limited memory quasi-Newton method...
A direct active set algorithm for large sparse quadratic programs with simple bounds
The authors show how a direct active set method for solving definite and indefinite...
Some numerical experiments with variable-storage quasi-Newton algorithms
This paper describes some numerical experiments with variable-storage quasi-Newton...
Block truncated-Newton methods for parallel optimization
Truncated-Newton methods are a class of optimization methods suitable for large scale...
A tolerant algorithm for linearly constrained optimization calculations
Two extreme techniques when choosing a search direction in a linearly constrained...
Finite-dimensional variational inequality and nonlinear complementarity problems: A survey of theory, algorithms and applications
Over the past decade, the field of finite-dimensional variational inequality and...
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