Journal: European Journal of Information Systems

Found 707 papers in total
How website socialness leads to website use
Website designers are beginning to incorporate social cues, such as helpfulness and...
A response to the design‐oriented information systems research memorandum
In response to Österle et al.'s ‘Memorandum on Design Oriented Information...
Alignment within the corporate IT unit: an analysis of software testing and development
Strategic alignment between an organization's business strategy/capabilities and...
User resistance determinants and the psychological contract in enterprise system implementations
User resistance is an important issue in the implementation of enterprise systems...
Government website service quality: a study of the Irish revenue online service
Online taxation systems have been among the most successful of e‐government...
Effects of visual and textual information in online product presentations: looking for the best combination in website design
Online product presentation constitutes a key challenge for marketers and designers...
Same technology, different outcome? Reinterpreting Barley's Technology as an Occasion for Structuring
In the last few decades, several studies have found the same technology implemented in...
Analysing IOIS adoption through structural contradictions
Despite extensive research and practitioner literature on inter‐organizational...
Proactive or reactive IT leaders? A test of two competing hypotheses of IT innovation and environment alignment
When does it benefit a firm to take a lead in innovation with information technology...
The ontological deficiencies of process modeling in practice
Business process modeling is widely regarded as one of the most popular forms of...
Perspectives on challenges facing women in IS: the cognitive gender gap
The persistently low number of women in the information systems (IS) field has led to...
Toward an ‘IT Conflict-Resistance Theory’: action research during IT pre-implementation
Most empirical research on users’ resistance toward Information Technology (IT)...
User experience of museum technologies: the phenomenological scales
Museums increasingly rely on technology as a guarantee of enhanced visitor experience....
Do organisational and environmental factors moderate the effects of Internet-based interorganisational systems on firm performance?
We developed a model of the relationships among several organisational,...
Connectivity and concentration in airline networks: a complexity analysis of Lufthansa's network
Information, communication and transport networks have always been in a state of flux,...
Intermediaries in inter-organisational networks: building a theory of electronic marketplace performance
Intermediaries such as e-Bay and Amazon arise when market system knowledge is...
Orchestrating Smart Business Network dynamics for innovation
This paper proposes the concept of Orchestrating Smart Business Networks (SBN) as a...
Flexible decision support in dynamic inter-organisational networks
An effective Decision Support System (DSS) should help its users improve decision...
The infological equation extended: towards conceptual clarity in the relationship between data, information and knowledge
Clearly defined relationships between core concepts in our field are the bedrock for...
Using the theory of the professions to understand the IS identity crisis
Academic information systems (IS) is struggling with an identity crisis that is...
Managing as designing: ‘opportunity knocks’ for the IS field?
In response to anxieties about our discipline's decline, this opinion piece...
The enactment of significance: a unified conception of information, systems and technology
This paper introduces a new perspective that helps unpack the relationship between...
Control patterns in a health-care network
To keep a network of enterprises sustainable, inter-organizational control measures...
Influencing the effectiveness of IT governance practices through steering committees and communication policies
Information technology (IT) governance practices involve efforts by an organization's...
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