Journal: RAIRO - Operations Research

Found 160 papers in total
Computation of the limiting distribution in queueing systems withrepeated attempts and disasters
Single server queues with repeated attempts are useful in the modeling of computer and...
Problèmes fractionnaires : tour d'horizonsur les applications et méthodes de résolution
Fractional programming consists in optimizing a ratio of two functions subject to some...
On the parallel complexityof the alternating Hamiltonian cycle problem
Given a graph with colored edges, a Hamiltonian cycle is called alternating if its...
Optimal scheduling of the 3‐machine assembly‐type flow shop
We address the 3‐Machine Assembly‐Type Flowshop Scheduling Problem...
A generalized proximal point algorithmfor the nonlinear complementarity problem
We consider a generalized proximal point method (GPPA) for solving the nonlinear...
Asymptotic differential approximation ratio:Definitions, motivations and application to some combinatorial problems
We first motivate and define a notion of asymptotic differential approximation ratio....
Extension of stochastic dominance theory to random variables
In this paper, we develop some stochastic dominance theorems for the location and...
Classification croisée et modèles
The relations between automatic clustering methods and inferentiel statistical models...
Choix multicritères dans le risqueet variables multidimensionnelles: proposition de méthode et applicationaux réseaux de transport d'énergie
This paper presents an application of Multiple Attribute Utility Theory on strategic...
Dissimilarites de type spheriqueet positionnement multidimensionnel normé
Our concern here, is the characterization of dissimilarity indexes defined over finite...
Expériences with Stochastic Algorithms fir a class of Constrained Global Optimisation Problems
The solution of a variety of classes of global optimisation problems is required in...
Une méthode tabou pour l'ordonnancement multiprocesseur avec délais de communication
This paper deals with the problem of scheduling n tasks on m identical processors in...
Transfert de Charge dans un Réseau de Processeurs Totalement Connectés
In this paper, a model of the load transfer on a fully connected net is presented....
Modèles Analytiques de Routeurs
We focus on performance study of routers in high‐speed network through a...
Second order optimality conditions for differentiable multiobjective problems
A second order optimality condition for multiobjective optimization with a set...
An Exact Method for Solving the Multi‐Processor Flow‐Shop
The aim of this paper is to present a new branch and bound method for solving the...
On the central path for nonlinear semidefinite programming
In this paper we study the well definedness of the central path associated to a given...
Trivial Cases for the Kantorovitch Problem
Let X and Y be two compact spaces endowed with respective measures μ and ν...
Colinearité et Instabilité Numérique dans le Modèle Linéaire
In this paper we give the expression of the multiple correlation coefficient in a...
G‐Réseaux dans un environnement aléatoire
We study networks with positive and negative customers (or Generalized networks of...
A Generalization of Dynamic Programming for Pareto Optimization in Dynamic Networks
The Algorithm in this paper is designed to find the shortest path in a network given...
Scheduling UET Trees with Communication Delays on two Processors
In this paper, we present a new linear time algorithm for scheduling UECT (Unit...
Planification des Emplois du Temps et de la Formation au Sein d'une Grande Entreprise
We describe an O.R. technique which plans the allotment of time of the collaborators...
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